The fairy wars (Part 4)

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You had just managed to overpower Acnologia and put an end to him before a man and woman arrive.

To the other

"Hey gramps did you see that" Gray asked as the whole guild ran for the source of the light with Juvia running ahead of them.*[Fn] please be ok* Juvia thought as she ran as fast as her tired body would go.

Back to you

"Who the hell are you" you asked as the man steps forward. "My name is Zack and this is my sister Nora as for why we are here it's simple purification" Zack says as the dragon slayers stand up and walk next to you.

"What is this purifiction crap" Cobra said as Zack looked at him with disgust in his eyes before he raised his hand and snaps his fingers which soon sent Cobra flying into another build. "COBRA" Natsu shouts as you look at Zack with a burning rage in your eyes.

"Don't talk to me you insect" Zack said as you clench your fists tight. "You just made one hell of a mistake" you say before disappearing before reappearing with a punch to Zack's jaw only for it to do nothing.

Zack soon grabs your head and begin squeezing it before Natsu and Gajeel rush in and back you up. "You insects have no place in this world so get lost" Zack tells them and with out looking send a magic shockwave slamming into Natsu and Gajeel which sends them flying into the other dragon slayers.

"Now for you a demon like you will be nothing but trouble and so I think it's time we drop the curtain on this act" Zack says as you try to escape all to no success before he slams you into the ground and then tossed you in front of the dragon slayers. "Hey can any of you move" you asked as Wendy nods as you struggle to stand on your feet.

"Listen Wendy you need to go and inform the rest of the guild don't worry as guild master I will not let this bastard past me" you told her as you stand on shaky legs as she ran as fast as she could.

"I guess you insects don't listen" Zack says as he points a finger at Wendy's back but you quickly appear between them. "Go I dare you just know I'll come at you a hundred times worse if you do" you told him as he lowers his finger and smiles.

Wendy keeps running while hearing loud explosions coming from behind her but as she rounds the corner she bumps into Juvia and the guild and tells them everything.

Back to you and Zack

Your standing but barely as Zack continues to create explosions before you rush at him and manage to land a punch but just like before it did nothing but you punch again and again before he looks at the dragon slayers and creates a large ball of all different types of magic and aims it at them. "GET OUT THE WAY" you shout to them as it's launched with a massive explosion on impact just as the guild arrived. "Oh no" Wendy said as she knew that it was where her friends were.

"Natsu" Lucy said as she remains speechless, "Laxus" Mirajane says as tears form in her eyes, "GAJEEL" Levy shouts as she breaks out in tears as the whole guild began to cry before Wendy saw the smoke clear and soon all dragon slayers were alive and as the smoke cleared everyone saw you standing in front of them. "That's crazy [Fn] must have no magic power left and he still blocked it" Gray say as Juvia ran over to you before you walk forward and blood pouring down your body.

"[Fn] stop your no condition to fight" Erza told you with worry in her voice as you look at Zack. "I... will... not... let him past... me" you say barely awake before a beam of magic power goes through your heart making you fall to the ground.

"[FN]" Juvia screams as she ran over to you seeing blood pouring out all the wounds on your body. "What are you doing brother killing him was not part of the plan" Nora said confused as Zack began to chuckle which the guild noticed.

"Oh it was I just never told you about it" Zack told her as a orb of magic power comes out of your body and enters Zack which caused him to grow stronger. "Now I can fix this world in my image" Zack says before he flies into the air and Nora runs over to you and looks at your body sensing a faint sign of life.

"Your friend is strong he is holding on from the edge of death but I can save him but I will need magic power" Nora says as everyone steps forward. "Take as much as you need" Makarov tells her as everyone nods in agreement as she fixed your chest wound and began to gather magic power from your guild.

The orb began to glow every colour before entering your body which began to pulsate and soon a beam of white light surrounds you catching Zack's attention. "Nora what have you done" Zack told her as he goes to punch her only for a hand to emerge from the light and catch it causing him to back away before launching a black and white ball at them.

As the smoke clears nothing was there not even the pillar of light before seeing them behind a glowing person cloaked in white magic. The white magic begins to disappear soon revealing you but you had changed your hair was bright white as were your scales with blue glowing eyes as you looked at Zack.

"What is this" Zack questioned as you keep looking at him before Nora speaks. "I enfused him with all kinds of magic and with his demon force allowed him to transform into a demon god" Nora said as you smile.

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