part 27

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"Hey, Felix can you meet me at my car after school?" Chan whispered to me. "I have something to tell you."
I nodded, unsure of what he could be talking about. Usually Chan tells me things right away. I swear if he tells me he's talking to Lauren again. It doesn't even matter if she's taken by Hyunjin, she's a player.
I shook my head hoping to rid myself of the thought and focus back on my work. It was at least 30 minutes until the last bell. I sighed and began to finish my assignment.

"So," I prefaced. "What's so important that you couldn't tell me when it initially happened?"
I settled into the passenger side of Chan car, leaning the seat back slightly.
Chan scrunched his nose and smiled awkwardly. Good sign? It can't be bad news if he's smiling, right?
"Well," he sighed. "I figured i'd ask you first. Just incase you weren't okay with it."
My mind instantly thought, Jacqueline.
"Come on, Chan. I don't have enough time." I teased. "I'm a very busy person."
"Okay, right. I'm just going to say it."
"I like Jacqueline."
I tried to seem genuinely shocked which probably came off as me being super dramatic. Chan began to hurriedly talk, "I swear, i'm not rushing into things. And if you're not okay with it thats totally fine. I just figured i'd ask you because you're my best friend and that's you're sis-"
"Chan, It's literally fine."
His eyes lit up and he grinned a large smile that showed off his white teeth. "Wait. Really?"
"Yes. I've known all along that she liked you i was just waiting for something to happen."
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.
"For obvious reasons! It'd be awkward hanging out with her if i told you and you didn't feel the same way."
Suddenly, Chan reached over the console of the car and hugged me. At first i was shocked but i returned the action with a smile on my face.
"Thank you, Felix." he muffled.
I pulled away, "But if you dare hurt her, Chan, i night have to hurt you too."
Chan's face fell. "I. Would. Never." He said. "It feels different this time, like we're meant to be. The thought of even making her frown makes me very, and i mean very, upset."
"I know, i know. I was joking." i paused, "or was I?"
Chan laughed as he pulled the car out of the parking lot.

I sat crisscrossed on my bed watching Chan and Jacqueline through the window. Chan opened his passenger door for Jacqueline and she slipped inside with a wide grin. Typical Chan, i rolled my eyes. He's such a gentleman.
I had the house to myself for a few hours. Chan  was taking Jacqueline on a date (probably to profess his love for her) and my parents wouldn't be home until 8.
I decided to play some video games but was stopped short when my phone let out a ding. Hoping it wasn't an "abort mission" text from Jacqueline, i hurried over to check it.
Supriseingly enough it was far from Jacqueline , instead the name read as Changbin. My heart began to race so i unlocked the phone to read the message.

congrats on becoming Chans brother in law

I cocked my head to the side for a second before remembering that Changbin and Chan were indeed close friends now.

how did you find out before me??

i was the one who told him to ask you first
didn't you tell me you set them up?
at the store ?

I smiled. "At the store" the memory of the coincidence fresh in my mind. Why had i felt so anxious about his first text. We were friends. This is what friends do. They text eachother.

right, right. my bad i forgot

you should be thanking me rn

bc you convinced Chan to do the right thing lol

i'm trying my best to be nicer

And with that we fell into a playful banter that lasted until the late hours of the night. Making jokes that just barely revealed personal details. Even though it was a dangerous path of thoughts to go down, this left me thinking about the possibilities of Changbin and I's new friendship.

sorry for the last update whoops i was just caught up in school work lol

Q/A: who is your ult kpop idol(s) and why do you guys like them ?

for me i think chan may be my ult bc hes literally an angel and he always inspires me and helps me when i'm struggling

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