Alternate Ending (Part 2)

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~The Lost Girl~

"Zemira?" Hook mumbled, His eyes still closed. His head hurt like heck. He wondered what had happened. All he remembered was Zemira was dying and then she kissed him. . .

Wait! Zemira was dying! Hook thought. Eyes flying open he sat up and looked around the clearing for Zemira. The clearing was empty other then himself and the fire. Her Blood was still visible on himself. Hook put a hand on the ground next to himself so that he could steadily get up. The ground was wet he picked up his hand. It was red with blood. Hook shuddered. How could she still be alive after loosing all of that blood?

Hook wouldn't let himself face the inevitable. That she was dead. He had to have hope the love of his life was still alive.

Determined to do so, Hook stood up and began walking towards Pan's camp. He would know where she was. If she was alive he would know.

With every step that is what Hook told himself, "he would know."


It was early morning when Pan finally made it back to his camp on the other side of the island. He spent the time thinking about how happy he was able to hold her. He would never let her go again.

The camp was mostly empty. The boys that were there looked to be asleep. Pan walked around them to his own carved out tree. He had flash backs to many days ago, which felt like years ago, when she had first come. When he carried her there.

He brought her to his bed. Laying her under the sheets Pan tried to make her as comfortable as possible. Pan was of course a gentleman. He didn't dare lay next to her. Instead he sat cross-legged on top of the bed. He stared down at her. She was beautiful. He wanted to be closer to her.

Pan reached under the sheets and found her hand. He held her small hand in his two hands. That was how he stayed the rest of the night. He wondered what had happened to her. Who had hurt her. And whoever did hurt her would know the pain of a thousand life times he swore to himself.

Peter Pan fell asleep that night guarding his beloved from every manner of evil that dare hurt her.


"Pan!" A voice called out. Pan opened his eyes against his will. He had just had one of the best rests of his life. Pan felt refreshed despite the ache in his bones from his awkward position leaning over Zemira. "Peter Pan!" The voice hollered. Pan heard some of his lost boys trying to calm, whoever the guy was, down. "Show your self!" The person demanded.

On a normal day, Pan would have killed the man at that very moment for such a demand. But he was in a good mood. He stretched out his sore muscles and then got off the bed. Pan walked to his book shelf and then turned back around and kissed Zemira softly on the cheek. Pan smiled genuinely. He loved her.

"Pan!" The voice called again. Pan finally went out to see what the trouble was.

Sun light burned his eyes. He squinted to see the scene before him. Captain Hook was being held back by three of his Lost Boys. The rest of the boys were talking amongst themselves about what to do. When Hook saw Pan he surged forward.

"Pan!" Hook said, he looked horrible. The man wore only trousers and the rest of him was covered in blood and dirt. His hair was in disarray and he didn't have any shoes on.

"Yes?" Pan answered trying to sound slightly bored.

"Is she alive?!" Hook asked with desperation. His eyes told the story of fear he had if she was dead. Pan realized In that moment how much he truly loved Zemira. If Pan told him she was alive, he would have to let Hook see her. And when she woke up Hook could sway her into following him back to his ship. Pan's heart hardened. He wouldn't allow that. A plan formulated in his mind.

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