Part four: Vee's favourite memory

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Hey y'all!!

My friend @Maskedmadness has joined the challenge! Go check him out, he's new to wattpad!

With that, moving on lovelies!~


"Grace... Gracie darling wake up!" The young girl smiles slightly as she feels her mother run her fingers through her long dirty blonde hair. She resists giggling and keeps her eyes closed, snuggling into the sheets.

"Oh gosh Dennis, she's not waking up!"

"What?!" Grace's older brother rushes over, peering at his sister with a worried expression. He shakes her shoulder and the girl laughs slightly, pulling the covers up to stifle the noise, "Mama she's faking!" The boy whispers to his mother.

The women gives a faux gasp. She was wearing a fluffy dressing gown, her hair falling long down her back and her eyes tired looking. She smiles.

"Isn't she cheeky!" She whispers back, "We should tickle her Dennis." She adds secretively and the boy giggles, nodding. He climbs onto the bed with his sister. His mother nods at him before they both begin attacking the girl with tickles. 

Grace giggles, shoving her face into her pillow as she begins to burst out with laughter. After a moment she tries to swat them away.

"Stop stop!! I'm awake!! Dennis!" Her laughter calms down as Grace's mother gets Dennis to stop with a hand on his arm. The two children pant and their mother looks on affectionately as the Grace sits up and rubs her eyes with a yawn. She then falls into her mother's arms.

"Mama! You're out of your room?" The women strokes her daughters hair.

"Of course silly! It's Christmas!!" Grace looks up into her mother's dark brown eyes and smiles sadly, her eyes watering.

"I missed you Mama..." Gracie's voice shakes and Dennis nods in agreement, joining the hug and wrapping his arms as best he can around his family. Their mother bites back her own pain, taking in a deep shuddering breath before speaking.

"Come on you two, Papa is waiting down stairs with gifts!" The children grin. Dennis grabs Gracie's hands and the both of them run out of the room and down the stairs. Their mother watches them leave. Her eyes water and she takes another deep breath. She wipes at her eyes and composes herself before following her children.


After gifts under the huge Christmas tree, Christmas lunch, and then Christmas dinner, Gracie sat by the fire place. Her bright eyes were watching the fire reflect in the baubles, sitting by her mothers feet as the women ran a brush softly through the strands of her hair. She sighs happily.

"I love you Mama." The women smiles, leaning down to kiss her daughters hair. She closes her dark eyes, cherishing the moment.

"I love you too Gracie."

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