31: They Call Her Hurt

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The stale air in the room is lifeless and I'm breathing it all in. Gray, gray, gray. It's the only color I see. Gray walls, gray door, gray table, gray chairs, gray ceiling, even the fluorescent bulbs above seem to illuminate gray light in here.

The officer in front of us has gray hair. He's old and wrinkly, but has kept with a daily workout routine because there wasn't a saggy muscle in his body. Though the intent behind his glare was meant to be threatening, I can only see a cute old man sitting opposite from me.

Carol on the other hand, could kill someone with her icy stare. She's also wearing a gray pantsuit and heels.

Amongst all the gray, I stick out like a sore thumb in this fuschia bridesmaid dress, stained with black mascara from the tears that I'd been shedding for the past two hours while waiting for Carol to come save me.

I had been held in a cell behind bars with no contact to the outside world. It was just me, my bright dress, the color gray, and the sound of my weeping.

I have no feeling in my body anymore. I don't know what state of shock to call this, but I would have to say that this is the worst moment of my life.

I inhale deeply, a piece of me escaping my body with every exhale.

"What are the charges?" Carol leans forward across the metal table.

"The legal team at Roque Records has evidence of your client mass distributing illegal copies of The Broken Roses' logo through unauthorized merchandise. The purchases of t-shirts, mugs, and other various items were bought and sold through her account," The officer explains.

They're talking about the fan products I helped Jagger with.

"But I didn't-"

"Is Roque Records the original creator of this logo?" Carol questions, cutting me off.

"Damian Polluck, one of the graphic design associates that works Roque Records, indeed created the original brand logo use by Roque Records to be in association with the Broken Roses. He has let the legal team at Roque Records defend him and the label."

"As an entire entity? That's not the way this works."

"The lawyer at Roque Records represents the company as a whole. As a part of the company, Damian Polluck has given them permission to represent them on his behalf," The officer answers. "Trust me, we went over this with them for about three days before they practically forced us to take action."

"Three days? Why was no one in contact with me?"

"Your client is a minor - we assumed she'd request legal consulting here," He shrugs.

"And you gave in just like that? Without consulting me or my client before falsely arresting her in front of her friends and family?" Carol retaliates.

"Look lady," The officer sighs. "If you want to argue with someone, argue with them. I'm just the messenger, okay? One of the lawyers is coming in soon to discuss this stuff with you. The poor guy had to leave his family in California before New Year's to deal with this."

He stares at me as if this is my fault.

Which it is.

So, thanks officer, for making me feel worse about this situation.

"I'll deal them myself," Carol nods.


"I'd like a moment to discuss matters with my client in private, please," Carol instructs the officer.

He scoots back from the table. "You've got five minutes before Damian gets here so make it quick. It's New Year's Eve and a few of us would like to go home to our families soon."

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