34: They Call Her In Love

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After I approached Chris and Whitney on Monday, the rest of the week went by like a blur and surprisingly, uneventful. Word spread fast about the showdown during lunch and by the end of sixth period that day, everyone was back on Team Love. I had gained more followers on social media and was approached by a few fans after school who had words of support. Whitney was now the most hated person on campus, AJ and the rest of the group included. I felt bad watching Chris and Whitney walk to their cars as passersby actually booed them. Chris didn't seem to be too bothered by it. Whitney on the other hand looked miserable. She had been clearly crying all day by the black streaks running down her cheeks and pale lips indicating she hadn't re-applied her makeup all day.

Yes, I feel bad.

No, I don't feel bad about feeling bad.

Anyway, as the rest of the week unfolded, AJ, Will, and Pete all came to me one day, apologizing for what happened and showing signs of concerns. As Chris said, they had no idea what was going on and made sure I was aware that they genuinely appreciated my generosity. I was touched that they were sweet about it all. I had no plans of ending any friendship with them even if the way it started was merely for the sake of popularity.

"You know, you're still cool as hell to us," Will smiled at me, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"And your boat is better than mine," AJ admitted, putting his ego aside for once.

"Of course it is," I shrugged innocently.

"Hey, hey, hey," He wagged a finger at me. "Don't get too cocky now."

"I hope we can still be friends," Pete said softly, hands in his pockets.

"Duh!" I said, trying to lighten up the mood. "You guys were very nice to me. I felt part of the group. I used to think you guys were dumb, selfish jocks, but you proved me wrong. I had a lot of fun with you guys."

After that, they invited me to a party at AJ's house next weekend which I said I'd think about. I don't think I've fully recovered emotionally and partying wasn't going to help.

Tracy was the most upset by the whole ordeal, which was to be expected since she had been on my side since the very beginning. She asked to come over after school one day and though I was reluctant at first since I had been taking a social hiatus from talking to anyone, I gave in because I was feeling a bit lonely. I felt guilty for having Clyde and Donny follow me around doing nothing for a week, so I thought it would be nice to give them shots of a personal conversation.

"She is such a bitch! I never should have trusted her. I cannot believe I wasted my time thinking she was a real friend," Tracy yelled at herself more than she did to me.

"Don't blame yourself. She had all of us fooled. The most important thing is that karma got her and bit her right in the ass," I smiled proudly.

"How can you be so positive about this? I'd be plotting my revenge," Tracy threw her half-eaten apple into the trash. "I can't even eat. My anger is making me sick."

"I appreciate your anger, but it's not necessary. As much as I hate what she did to me, Whitney dug her own grave and I don't want to be the one to push her in. What she does with her life is her business. I said my peace and now it's time to move on."

"You're being very mature about this," She sighed, laying her elbows on the edge of the bed. "That's something Caleb would say."

"Well, we've been spending a lot of time together and I guess he's rubbing off on me. He's a good influence," I shrugged.

Tracy gasped. "Spending time together? Spill!"

"We kissed," I didn't hold back. I was tired of keeping it in. I had to tell someone. Darcy and Jagger didn't even know and I haven't spoken to Caleb since school began because of the drama that's been going on. I felt relieved to tell Tracy. "And not just once, but twice over break."

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