0. happy birthday, just kidding

432 14 2

Worst Birthday Ever

"Happy birthday, Mijo! Make a wish."

Benny smiled at his family and as they sat around the dining room table and waited for him to blow out his candles.

He was finally sixteen, he could drive, get a a job, the possibilities were becoming less limited everyday. Everything was perfect, what else could he wish for?

He guesses he could wish for something superficial, something silly, like a million dollars or something. Yeah, that's fine with him.

He blew out his candles and his mom clapped and kissed his cheek, her neutral colored lipstick marking his cheek, and whispered, "What did you wish for, Niño?"

Just as he was about to tell her he couldn't tell, there was a loud banging on the door. Immediately, all of their attention went from the festivities to the door.

His father went to answer, and was greeted by a group of ICE agents.

No, not today. Please not today.

Everything seemed to freeze as the minute long interaction between his father and the agent went on. He heard some of it, held still by his mother who placed a hand on his shoulder and told him not to move.

She then went to stand by his father at the door and asked for an explanation. His younger sister came closer to him and stood by the doorway, trying to hear something.

The officers gave a vague reasoning, they got a tip, from who, they wouldn't say and were within their rights to pick up all "illegals," living on the premises.

The officers then asked to come inside and that was the last straw for Benny. He rushed to their sides and tried to explain how he didn't think this was legal, he wasn't sure, but he knew no one could be arrested without a proper warrant.

The officers provided them with evidence the arrest was legal and it was only seconds later that his father was cuffed and being led away by one officer, while the other attempted to drag his mother away, but she demanded an explanation.

"No! Why today? This couldn't be down any other time? Officer please," she pleaded and looked back at her son, "I'm so sorry Mijo."

Another grabbed hold of her and forced cuffs unto her wrists and a fourth pushed his way inside. He took a quick once over and gave Benny a card, told him to call a relative before he turned and left, leaving the door standing wide open. Benny watched as his parents were placed in the backseat of a car and driven off in a flash.

After they were gone, there was nothing but panic spreading around the room. Olivia came to comfort Benny as they quietly tried to figure out what happened. They couldn't wrap their heads around it, it was crazy.

The two teens sat silently on the floor facing each other.

"What are we gonna do," Olivia said, tears running down her cheeks.

"I don't know," his voice was just as thick as hers, but he didn't want to cry, he wanted to scream, "I really don't."

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