Chapter 20

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Arid air. A few hills in otherwise desolate, dry place. Any human would have died here long ago. It's lucky for us that we are not human.

I am not sure what I was expecting, but I sure didn't think that the call of Tobias and Cecilia's blood would lead us here, in the desert. As far as I know, Healers are human, or at least alive, so how could they survive the trip?

Besides, I can't see anything that would be of much use to us. There are no buildings or any structures whatsoever. I didn't expect a creepy cemetery like the one we have, but I expected something different, something special.

"Are you sure this is the place?" I ask, unable to contain my doubt.

"Yes, over there," Tobias says.

What he is pointing to is a hill the size of an average person with a huge boulder in front of it.

I have seen a lot of strange things in my afterlife, but this is surely more peculiar than anything else. How could that be the place? Were the books wrong? Is the Healer blood too weak in Tobias and Cecilia?

"Let's move the boulder, maybe there is an entrance behind it. The entrance to the House of Healing might be there." Seymour says, ignoring the doubtful look that Alarcos and I give him.

I don't think it can be as easy as that. The riddle sounded more complicated, but I guess neither I or Alarcos can resist hope in Seymour's eyes.

The three of us move the boulder and are met with a blank wall.

"Now what do we do?" I ask.

"Remember the riddle 'Precious liquid that you don't want to lose will guide you to all the clues...' Maybe it's more literal than we assumed," Seymour says.

"No, no, they would never spill innocent blood," I say harshly.

"You are thinking about this like a vampire. When we think about blood, it's in absolutes, because our bloodthirst is difficult to control. However, Healers probably wouldn't have any trouble losing a few drops of blood. It wouldn't be necessary for them to spill a lot of blood." Alarcos says.

I can't stop annoyance from flashing across my face. How could I be so stupid and not think of something as simple as that? However, having in mind how long I have fought with my addiction, my bloodlust, maybe I shouldn't find it surprising that I would only think about spilling all the blood, drinking all the precious liquid.

Even now, I can feel thirst tickling the back of my throat, and I am not sure I want to smell Tobias' blood. It has always been more potent for me than any other persons' blood. Would I be able to control myself?

It sounds ridiculous to ask myself that, they are vampires, and their blood shouldn't be as tempting to other vampires. Yet, I still remember when I had to stop Cecilia from feeding off Tobias, how difficult it had been, not only for her.

The scent of his blood had a fire raging in my throat, that special, exotic flavor was almost irresistible. Yet, I resisted although there was so much blood. I am sure that a few drops wouldn't smell as tempting.

Before I have the chance to say anything else, Tobias' fangs come out, and he sinks them in his finger. The appetizing smell doesn't affect me as much as I fear, which is a relief. I already have enough to deal with I don't need to add on it by attacking the one person I swore to protect.

In what looks like a daze he gently presses his hand to the space which was once occupied by the boulder and starts tracing strange symbols on it. After mere seconds Cecilia starts mimicking his actions.

Their writings seem to be mirror images of each other. I have no idea what the symbols mean, but I can tell that they are the opposite of each other.

What worries me is that neither of them seems to be aware of what they are doing, and I fear I might lose them both to some strange Healer mindset taking over.

I start approaching Tobias to rip him away from that place and take him far away, forgetting all about his origins and my fears. All I know is that I am ready to put myself between him, and whatever might want to hurt him in any way.

Luckily, before I have a chance to make a fool of myself, they both step back towards us, their expressions no longer lost. They are back to their old selves, but I don't have the time to revel in the discovery since something odd starts happening.

The bloody marks they had made, start glimmering so brightly that I have to look away for a moment. When I finally drag my eyes back to the strange markings, they are gone, and what I see is a door leading into darkness. Unlike the other doorway we have encountered, this one looks plain.

It serves no other purpose but that of an entrance to a place, just an ordinary square than one would expect to see, which is unsettling. Why would any supernatural being make something so ordinary, so unremarkable?

However, being on the run, as we are, it's easier to understand that it entails laying low. Perhaps that's what this ancient race has been trying to do, to stay safe from the vampires and humans alike.

"Shall we?" Seymour asks.

"Sure," I say but I don't move.

It's no secret that I am sick and tired of mysterious places. To always look out for potential danger can be exhausting, so no one can blame me for being fed up with it all.

"Ladies first," he says with a playful smirk.

"No, no, I insist," I signal that he should be the first to go in.

"I think Cecilia and I should go first, just in case," Tobias says.

I stiffen in shock, although I know it's the best option. I would rather anyone else exposed themselves to danger, not the poor, always helpful, Tobias.

"Having in mind that we don't know what we are walking into, would you mind if I suggested a slightly different option," Alarcos asks hesitantly.

It's clear that he feels self-conscious around Cecilia and Tobias and that he doesn't want to step on any toes. What I find odd is that he didn't seem to have the same problem when meeting me. Odd as it might seem to anyone else, I think it's because of the connection we once shared with Seymour.

"What do you have in mind?" Tobias asks, eager for an option that wouldn't put Cecilia in danger.

"Maybe it would be better if one of you went first and the other one last, so that we are surrounded by Healer blood in case there are some security measures. That way, it lowers the chances of intruders being detected," he says quietly.

"That sounds reasonable enough," Tobias says.

In a blink of an eye, he has moved forward, and it gives us no choice but to follow him. I can see that Cecilia isn't happy with that arrangement, and neither am I, but there is nothing we can do about it now.

To my surprise, Alarcos follows immediately after Tobias, and I have a feeling it's in an attempt to ensure Seymour's safety who proceeds after him. I follow after them, and Cecilia takes the rear grunting unhappily.

I am sure that she is aware of the same fact, which is clear to me, Tobias is trying to protect her, again. Although she has now been a vampire for a while, Tobias still does everything to protect her, and she doesn't like it.

She wants to be the one to protect others, and I can understand the need for independence. The need to be strong enough to not only be enough to save yourself but others, as well.

Then, we are off into what I hope is a peaceful walk to a warm and comfortable library, but know is just wishful thinking.

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