Brothers ~ Oscar & Cesar ~ Part 1

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Warnings: None for this chapter:) (next chapter gets kind of crazy)

          I was walking home from school with my boyfriend, Cesar. We had been going out for a couple months, but we had kept it secret because we knew our friend group would be weirded out by us dating. Plus, Cesar and Monse had broken up just a few weeks before Cesar and I got together, so we decided not to say anything so Monse wouldn't be hurt.

"Can I hang out at your house for a bit? My mom was in a bad mood this morning and I don't really feel like seeing her right now." I asked, nudging Cesar with my shoulder playfully.

"Uh, not today. I have stuff to do." Cesar mumbled. He had been distant and quiet with me lately, and I didn't know why.

"Oh. Okay. Well, I left my charger at your place yesterday. Can I stop by and grab it?" I responded, trying my best to ignore the feeling that something was wrong.

"Yeah, sure, that's fine." Cesar said. His mind seemed to be somewhere else.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Nothing." Cesar replied. The rest of the walk to Cesar's house was quiet.

We arrived to Cesar's house and I tried my best to ignore all of the Santos members that were hanging out in his yard. His older brother, Oscar, or "Spooky" as most would call him, was sitting on a couch in the middle of the yard.

"¿Que pasa, hermano?" Oscar asked.

"Nada." Cesar replied.

"Hey, Y/N. What's wrong with my lil bro?" Oscar greeted me with a warm smile.

I smiled back and shrugged. "I dunno." I said, following Cesar into his house.

"Okay, I have things to do, can you grab your charger and go? I'll call you later." Cesar said blankly as we walked into his room.

"Yeah, sure. What's going on, C?" I questioned, grabbing my charger from his bedside table.

"I just have things to deal with, I'll see you later." Cesar said ignorantly.

"Okay, I hope you sort out whatever you have to deal with, I want my boyfriend back to normal." You said as you put your arms around him and brought your lips close to his to kiss him. He moved his head away from you before you could kiss.

"Don't... don't say that too loud. Nobody knows we're together. What if Oscar heard and tells someone?" Cesar said.

"Oscar is outside. Nobody heard me. And would it be so bad if people knew?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, Jamal and Ruby would be weirded out. And I don't want to hurt Monse. And I know you don't either." Cesar said sternly.

Monse was my closest girl-friend, and I didn't have the heart to tell her I was dating her ex.

"Okay, fine. I'm going to leave now, call me later." I said, slightly annoyed because of how ignorant Cesar was being.

I made my way out of Cesar's house and walked past the group of Santos in the yard. Oscar watched me as I left.

"Leaving so soon, hyna?" Oscar said, getting up off the couch and walking over to me.

"Cesar has stuff to do. I was just grabbing my charger. I'm heading home now." I replied, taken aback by Oscar calling me hyna. I wasn't used to being called things like that.

"Where's your house?" Oscar asked.

My house was in the same direction from the school as Cesar's was, meaning we would always walk home together, except my house was a few blocks further away from his house.

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