Get To Know You - Oscar

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Warnings: Swearing, smut.

You had just moved to Freeridge to live with your cousin Mariana, who was a few years older than you. Your mother had died when you were young and your father was just put in prison, so Mariana took you in, and you soon became best friends.

Freeridge was different from where you had grown up. All of the gangs and violence took some getting used to, but now that you've been in Freeridge about a week, you've become more familiar with everything and less scared of the gangs. Mariana told you just to ignore them, so you did. Although, you lived a few houses down from a house that belonged to the leader of the Santos, but you just avoided the house and never really questioned who lived there and who the leader was. You had never seen him before, mainly because you were too busy to take a stroll around the neighborhood, but also because when you left the house, you made sure to steer clear of all the known dangerous places.

You had gotten a job at Dwayne's Joint to help out Mariana, but summertime was almost over and you would have to start school soon. You liked working at Dwayne's Joint, because Dwayne was always really nice. Plus, you had become good friends with Jamal, Dwayne's son, who also had a summer job at the joint. Jamal always wanted to hang out after work was over, but you never had time because you had to get back to Mariana's house to finish unpacking. You were almost completely moved in though, so you promised Jamal that you'd hang out with him after work tomorrow. Jamal was really excited, because he wanted you to meet his friends Ruby, Cesar, Monse, and Jasmin.

You walked home from work that night, excited about your plans with Jamal. You were so busy with moving so suddenly, getting a job, and enrolling in school, that you didn't have time to make any friends or explore Freeridge much throughout the week. The thought of Jamal and his friends made you happy, knowing that Ruby, Cesar, Monse, and Jasmin were probably as nice as Jamal was. You hoped that you would become friends with all of them, so that you would know some people when you started school.

"Mariana, I'm home!" You yelled as you dropped your bag at the door and took off your shoes. "Hey Y/N! How was work?" Mariana asked, coming around the corner with a bin of laundry. "Work was great. I was talking to Jamal during our break today, and we made plans to hang out after work tomorrow! I'm really happy to finally have a friend around here. Besides you, of course. Is that alright?" You asked, grabbing a soda from the fridge. "Girl, you don't have to ask me! You do what you want, I'm glad you're making friends!" Mariana said, making her way into the laundry room.

That night, all you could think of was hanging out with Jamal and his friends. You had butterflies in your stomach from the excitement of the new people you were going to meet. I hope they like me. You thought, closing your eyes and falling into a deep slumber.

Morning came, and you woke up excitedly knowing you were going to hopefully have new friends by the end of the day. You got dressed and ready for work, and made your way out the door, calling out a goodbye to Mariana who was still getting ready for work. "Text me and let me know what you're up to later, I wanna know all the details!" Mariana said. Mariana was almost as excited for you to be hanging out with someone as you were. You were pretty sure that she thought you and Jamal were going on a date, but you didn't think of Jamal that way.

You saw Jamal at work and he told you the plans he had made for what you guys were going to do after work. "Since it's a Friday, and we get weekends off, I figured we could stay out late at Saturday Night Lights! It's kind of like a mini fair." Jamal said excitedly, showing you a picture of the last time he had gone to Saturday Night Lights. "Sounds awesome! I can't wait, it'll be so nice to meet some other people. I finally finished moving in last night, so besides work, I'm always free now!" You said, hoping you didn't sound too desperate. "I can tell we're gonna be good friends, so yeah, all that free time you're gonna have is gonna be spent with me. And plus, the squad is so excited to meet you, you're going to love them!" Jamal exclaimed. You smiled at him, imagining what "the squad" was like. "Hey, you two! Get back to work, chat later!" Dwayne laughed as he motioned for you and Jamal to keep working. "Sorry Dwayne! On it!" You said.
You made your way up to the till where you stood waiting for customers, while Jamal went back to the kitchen to start cooking.

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