Brothers ~ Oscar & Cesar ~ Part 2

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Warnings: Strong language, smut.

This chapter is going to be a little longer, there is going to be a part 3!

I took a deep breath as I walked over to Cesars house.

It was 3 o'clock on the dot, he should be home any minute. I walked up the stairs to the door and knocked.

Oscar opened the door and looked surprised to see me.

"Hey, Y/N. Miss me?" Oscar said jokingly. I laughed.

"I'm here for Cesar, is he home from work yet?" I asked.

Oscar motioned for me to come inside.

"Actually, he just called and told me Dwayne needed him to work an extra shift, he doesn't get off work until 6 now." Oscar said, filling a glass with water and handing it to me.

"Oh, I wonder why he didn't let me know." I said.

Just then, my phone buzzed and I looked at the notification. It was from Cesar.

Hey, Dwayne is making me work an extra shift, I'll be home at 6. Sorry for the delay. -C

I sighed as I read the message. I had to wait even longer in suspense, wondering if Cesar would admit he was going to leave me or if he would deny everything.

I didn't bother to reply to his message.

"Hey, since Cesar isn't getting home till later, I'm gonna head home for now. Thanks for the water." I said to Oscar as I made my way to the door.

"Or you could stay," said Oscar, grabbing my arm and stopping me from leaving.

"Cesar will be home in a few hours, I don't mind if you hang here until then. We can turn on a movie if you want." He said.

I looked at him and hesitated to answer.

Why was Oscar so insistent that I stayed?

I didn't have anything better to do, so I agreed.

"Sure, I'll stay. What movie?" I asked, walking to the couch. Oscar followed behind me.

"Let's browse and choose one." He said, taking a seat right next to me on the couch.

I was a little surprised by how close he was to me, because there was a lot of space on the couch.

We decided to watch Insidious, a horror movie.

I didn't want Oscar thinking that I was afraid, even though I was, so I bravely agreed to watch it.

Plus, I thought since it was the middle of the day, it wouldn't be as scary.

I was wrong. The movie scared the crap out of me.

Every time a scary part came on, I would jump.

I hadn't even noticed Oscar put his arm around me. He laughed at how afraid I was.

"It's the middle of the day, why are you so scared, chica?" Oscar chuckled.

"Jump scares aren't my thing. Plus, what if a monster attacks me?" I said jokingly.

"I wouldn't let it attack you. I'll protect you, princesa." Oscar said as he moved his arm to wrap it around my waist.

I blushed, and at first I was a little uncomfortable when he wrapped his arm around me, but I soon gave in and rested my head on his shoulder.

It was a little weird that I was cuddled up with my boyfriend's brother. But to be fair, Cesar had hurt me really badly, and part of me wanted to hurt him too. And, Oscar made me feel safe.

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