Chapter 4

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The Next Morning
Wheein POV

I woke up feeling a sharp pain in my back. I saw Hwasa next to me. She was cuddle up with me and I forgot that I was her "Teddy Bear". I have no feelings for Hwasa but I feel like its likes me. I know there something going on between Moonbyul and Solar but they been good I hiding it around us. Like one time I act Solar blushing while Moonbyul was dancing then Moonbyul stared at her.

Wheein:Aishh. Hwasa get up please your hugging me.
Hwasa(still asleep):Please dont go... I found you and I can't lose you.

When Hwasa said that I pulled her on top of me. I wanted to let her know Im here. I got out of bed after a few minutes and walked downstairs.

Solar:Hey Wheein have you seen Lisa and Jennie?
Wheein:Maybe to Jennie house to fuck.
Solar(hits my chest and points to Soobin and Yeji who was watching Tv):Yahh watch your mouth.
Wheein:Hey you two?
Wheein:Dont you two have to be at your entertainment?
Yeji:We all have a break due to some death threats for both company and JYP.
MB:Im here and we need to talk. Take a look (hand Wheein the notebook) They been sending threats to them.
Hwasa(dressed and walks out the room):...
Wheein(Stares):H..Hwasa... Where are going?
Hwasa:I need a favor from you. To protect my brother and Yeji. Can you pretend to be boyfriend and Solar and Moonbyul can you pretend your dating?
Soobin:Noona what about us?
Hwasa:My ex is sending death threats to you guys companies. You two can be can be a couple and i can you Soobin is our kid.
Hwasa:Please I w-
Wheein:I'll help of course. Where are we going?
Hwasa:To XXX Restaurant.
Soobin:I call Wheein Appa?
Hwasa:Ne. And you call me Eomma.
Soobin(Holds Yeji hand):Okay thank you guys so much.

Everyone walked to the car but Hwasa pulled me off to side.

Hwasa:Promise me you won't him take me... I can't lose my brother again.
Wheein:Hwasa like I told you before. I'll do snything to protect your brother. I'll die for him. Now lets go.

Hwasa hugged me and I locked my door and headed to the car. I started driving and playing music. I felt Hwasa hand hold mine and I tried not to smile.

Soobin:Is there something going on between you two?
Hwasa(Moves her hand):Aniyo... Soobin you know what I like.
Soobin:Loco??? (Smirks)
Wheein(tries not to frown and keeps driving)...
MB:Wheein have you consider dating anyone.
Wheein:Not really I just dont have time to date. Plus people are boring and I get annoyed quick. Also I'm a jealous type. I wouldn't even date me...
Solar:Im sure you'll find someone whos worth your time.
Soobin(Looks at Yeji then Wheein):Like Hwasa?
Hwasa(tries to hide her smile):Ainyo...
Wheein:Lets just get this t- (stops the car and pulls over). Wait here. (Gets out the car). Why are you following me?
Alex:Why are you with here her? Why are there females in your car?
Wheein(looks at my watch):Shit Alex I have to go. Stop following me please.
Alex:No. Where are you going? (Walks to the car but Soobin gets out) Appa lets go. I'm hungry.
Wheein(nods):Ne. Sorry Son lets go.
Soobin(smirks and gets in the car):That's Wheein ex.
Wheein(Gets in the car and looks through the review mirror):Oh shit... (Looks at alex). Moonbyul help.
MB(Looks at tablet and change her GPS):There you go. She not following anymore.
Yeji:Was that your ex?
Wheein:Yeah. Shes crazy real crazy.
Hwasa:Why did she asked if you was dating me and other women in the car?
Wheein:That doesn't matter. Let's go
Hwasa:Hm... Okay...
Yeji(looks at Soobin and whispers to him):I think Hwasa likes Wheein but Wheein Still dating Alex.
Soobin(nods):I feel the same.
Wheein(parks the car and sighs):Im sorry if I killed the mood. We are here. (Gets out). Let's save lives okay.

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