Chapter 6

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Wheein POV

When I woke up I saw Hwasa sitting on my game chair on her phone. I got off the bed and Hwasa turned around and looked at me. I looked at the mirror and blushed hard. There was dark hickeies and scars on me from Hwasa. I looked at Hwasa and just leaned in close to her making her start to breaty heavily. Then I moved away smiling.

Wheein(husky voice):Morning Hwasa
Hwasa(looks down blushing):M..morning Wheein.
Wheein:You okay?
Hwasa:Ne. Please just umm stop talking.
Hwasa:Right now Wheein your voice is a turn on. Go call your girlfriend. (About to walk off)
Wheein(Deep husky voice):Trust me it will be gone after I go drink my tea. Okay?
Hwasa(Nods feeling wet):Wheein can I go now p...please?
Wheein:Stay a little...
Hwasa(whispers):Fuck... Wheein...

Hwasa pressed her lips again my wrapping her arms around my neck. I kissed back pulling Hwasa to me wrapping my arms around her waist. Hwasa let out a soft moan which made me smirk. She must've been really turned on by me. I slowly let my hand go into Hwasa panties and she was dripping. Hwasa gripped my wrist and tried removing my hand but I kept it there.

Hwasa:As much as I want you too. No Wheein. Your gang is all her and you have to stay loyal.
Wheein:Shes not being loyal and trust me I won't make you loud unless you want me to make that happen?
Hwasa:N.. No please...
Wheein:Please what.
Hwasa:T.. Taste me...

I smirked and got on my knees pulling Hwasa panties down then off. I slowly life my head to her pussy then sucked on her causing her to moan but she was holding it in. I licked her clit fast and sucked on her pussy lips. I sliped my tongue into Hwasa hole which made her moan. I pushed Hwasa on the bed and placed her legs against her stomach and licked her pussy even faster Hwasa came pretty quick and I blushed hard.

Wheein:We should go join the others.
Hwasa(Gets dressed):Right behind you.
Wheein(Deep Husky voice):Wassup losers. (Fixes tea)
Lisa:Whoa unnie what happen to you. I mean Hyung.
Wheein:Hm? What you mean?
Jennie:The hickies and scars. My god.
MB:Did you and Alex have sex?
Wheein:Haha sure
Solar:Hwasa Loco gave you hickies?
Hwasa:Ne. He was drunk so...
Soobin:Noona how come your here and not there.
Hwasa:Loco never been coming home so I broke up with him. He let his cousin burn and throw away my bear.
Lisa:I'll just buy you more.
Yeji:Moonbyul unnie is you and Solar unnie together.
Moonsun:Ani ani Aniyo.
Yeji:mm okay.
Hwasa(Turns to Wheein): Can I go with you when you meet him?
Wheein:Aniyo. I don't want you to see him getting hurt and I don't want you getting hurt.
Hwasa:Please I don't want to see you getting hurt.
Wheein:So stay here and you won't...
Hwasa:You know dam well I dont listen.
Wheein(Whispers in Hwasa ear):You did last night though.
Hwasa(grips Wheein wrist):Stop it.
Wheein:You know what that does to me let me go.
Hwasa(blushes and let's go): Aish I'm hungry.
Lisa:Whats goin on between you two?
Hwasa:Wheein saved me from J.P Jimin Park Not BTS...
Wheein(sips tea n eating):Mhm
Soobin:That son of a bitch
Soobin( covers mouth):Sorry.
Yeji(Shakes head):Wheein can you take me home please?
Wheein(Still eating):Mhm...
MB:I can.
Yeji:Ani. I need Wheein and Hwasa to.
Soobin:I can ride with or take you m-
Yeji:Ani haha ani. Im okay... (Looks at Hwasa)
Hwasa:Wheein let go.
Wheein(drinks tea then gets dress in all black then grabs keys):I'll be back.
Hwasa:We will talk when we get back. (Leaves)
Soobin(Hugs Yeji then kisses her):Im deeply deeply sorry Yeji. I forgot you don't like hearing that word and people using it. Please I'm sorry.
Yeji:Soobin it's not that its just you really don't spend time with me like before. You always focus on other tgings in never me. Maybe you just only see me as your sister.
Soobin(holds Yeji hand):I don't I don't I promise.
Yeji(removes her hand cries a little): It don't feel like it Soobin.. Its doesn't... (Gets in the car).
Soobin(softly):Y..Y...Yeji... (Walks in head down thwn runs in his room locking to door softly crying)
Wheein:Yeji what is it(driving)
Yeji(Tell her the same thing she told Soobin):... Im sorry...
Hwasa:Don't be. Your Soobin first girlfriend so he doesn't know what to say do or think. He never had like a guy to guy talk...
Wheein:I'm help with that.
Wheein:Ne. Girls like me. I know how to talk to girls. I know what girls love like and hate.
Yeji:Then Whats the three major things girls love about a guy.
Wheein:Loyalty Love and Attention. Without loyalty there's no love without love theres no trust and without attention there cheating.
Yeji:Okay. 3 major things we like
Wheein:Cuddles Food and also attention
Yeji:You'll never get this. 3 major things we hate.
Wheein:Someone who never gives you attention, Someone who cheats,Someone who's not loyal... Abusive Dudes... (Looks down) When the person your dating cheats on you with your best friend... When a guy stay on the gane for to long. A guy who never likes to facetime.
Hwasa:Wheein stop... Its okay stop (holds Wheein hand). Yeji is this your place? (Looks at it and shakes a little)... T..thank you (Walks to the door)
Yeji Stepfather:Where were you Yeji?!?!
Yeji:I..i was practicing.
Wheein(Gets out):Yeji who is this?
Yeji(looks up) evil step father.
S.F:Evil?!?!? You little brat (Rises his hand about to slap Yeji)
Wheein(Grabs his hands tightly):Yeah buddy thats what your not going to do. Yeji is leaving with me.
Hwasa(Gets out the car):Yeji lets go help get some of your things.
Yeji(Smiles):Wheein mean it?
Wheein(Stares at her step father):Ne. Hwasa go with her.
Hwasa(nods and gies with Yeji):...
Wheein:You think its okay to put your hand on a kid (leavea his wrist go) thats wrong.
S.F(wraps his arms around Wheein waist):Is it really? Wheein I know you remember me.
Wheein:Moves off me...
S.F:Remember when I had you like this before. But you was turned around (turns Wheein around and brushes himself against her).
Wheein(tries to push him off):Get off me Get off me...
S.F:Still have the same nice soft ass like before(almost puts himself in wheein)
Wheein(Finally break lose and pushes him):Your so fucking sick... Stay away f..from me
S.F:Or what (pushes Wheein down
Wheein(Feeling weak since she didn't have her food and drink like the list said):S..Stay a..away... (Scoots away).
S.F(grabs Wheein and shoves himself in her mouth):Ahhh yeah just like t-OWWW YOU BITCH!!
Wheein(spits the fake mouth out and puts her mouth in):HWASA YEJI WE N-
S.F(Pushes Wheein hard causing her to blackout and fall):.. Now I can finish what I started.
Hwasa(Hits him with a metal back then drives to Wheein house):SOLAR!!! MOONBYUL!!! OMG THE HELL!!! (Covers eyes)
Solat:Calm down I'm doing a photoshoot for Mamamoo. What's wrong?
Hwasa(places Wheein on the couch and holds Yeji close):Wheres Soobin??? SOOBIN!!?!?!
Soobin(Runs out his room):Noona you okay?? What wrong? (Looks at Wheein): H..Hyung.. HYUNG!! (Looks at Hwasa): What did he do? WHAT DID HE DO WHAT DID HE DO??!!! (Cries). Hyung... Hyung.....
Yeji(Hugs him):Shhh its okay She'll be okay
Soobin(Crying softly):Hyung...
Hwasa(looks at Wheein then the food that she was eating earlier. (Blends the food then feeds it to Wheein)
Jennie:What are you doing?
Hwasa:Shes wouldn't stop eating this. It must be something in it. You know Wheein is different from us.
Wheein(Jumps up and runs to the doors to stop Loco from rushing in):NO!!!

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