Sequel to Murderer.
Justin and Amelia have been separated for about 6 years. Everything has been so different without each other. They have created there new lives but where did they get? Did they move on? Find someone new? Well we will find out.
Walking into work I sat down at my desk and looked at my phone. No calls, No texts, Nothing. I started dating again about 3 years ago. It has been a hard couple of years leaving Justin and trying to get over him. I left Europe and I moved to America. I know it's a big difference but I need to get away.I know I could have changed streets or what not but I couldn't face running in to him and I'm sure he would find me. I couldn't stand living across the road from him and seeing him everyday when I really wanted to get over him. I mean I spend a good couple of years with him and it is difficult being away from him. Even 6 years later.
Recently I've been dating Luke, yeah your remember luke from when I lived in Europe. I randomly came into contact with him when I was at a bar with a couple of my girls. It was surprising to me too. I didn't expect to see him as I thought he lived in Europe still. So since that we went on a few dates and now we're together I guess. I mean he hasn't asked me out yet which is a shame and it is frustrating but I don't mind. I don't want to rush anything like with Justin. Luke is completely different to Justin. He hasn't made no mistakes with me and he hasn't stood me up, he's not in a gang and he is so sweet to me. Don't get me wrong Justin was sweet but he had so many flaws.
I would be lying if I said I didn't still think about Justin and what we could be now but to be honest life is so much better without him. I now work at a photography studio which is great! It's great pay and I get to do the thing I love most. I've been writing music as well because I have my own house with my own equipment which took me some time but it is beautiful. I'm used to living on my own since my mum is always out working but when she's in the country she comes and visits me. Our relationship has good increasingly better since I moved our here as well, she makes effort for me which is great. Maybe Justin was the problem? Who knows.
Luke is suppose to be coming to my house later which is great, we're going to have some nice take away and watch a few films and maybe then he'll ask me out who knows. I though he would've text me today but obviously not. I picked up my phone to send him a message.
New message to: Luke <3 Hey, just wondering if we're still on tonight? What do you fancy to eat? I'll grab some take away menus on my way home? Let me know xx
Not long after I got a message back.
New message from: Luke <3 Hey baby, yeah still on tonight I can't wait to give you loads of kisses and maybe something else ;) Umm maybe Indian? I don't mind up to you. See you soon xx
Smiling and putting my phone down I got back to work. I can't wait for tonight I though as my cheeks blushed. -
When I arrived home I got had a nice hot shower getting rid of all the sweat from today's hard work. Letting the hot water hit my back I kept thinking about tonight. Is he going to ask me to be his girlfriend? I hope so I really do. Once I got out I picked a nice outfit from my wardrobe.
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Do I go with dressy or casual? I don't know. But when I finally decided on a skirt with a nice top, added a few accessories to make the outfit pop. I looked nice not to fancy not to casual. I popped on some make up, only a little bit. Some eyeliner and and blush with some lipstick and mascara. Then I slipped on my black and white old skool vans and went downstairs. I set up the room with some candles here and there and put them on. I left the menus on the island and went and sat down on the sofa.
I'm not gonna lie but I am super excited about tonight. This is probably the best I felt since I've moved here. I'm happy for once, no pain, no stress, nothing or no one to upset me unlike Europe. I cant wait to see what Luke has in store for me.
A couple of hours later there was knock at the door making my heart jump out of my chest. He's finally here. I walked over to the door and opened it seeing Luke leaning up against the frame.
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I literally melted inside. Oh My how sexy is this man that I have. I giggled to myself as he came inside giving me and tight hug. "Ahh I've missed you baby" He said kissing my lips. It felt like heaven, his soft lips tightly on mine intwining his tongue with mine as he shut the door hand and taking me to the sofa. I felt like jelly, like he has melted me. His lips are so delicious making my mind flash to Justin. No No No. I don't need to think about him when I have this beauty here, whom I like a lot. "I've missed you too" I said blushing.
"I've been thinking about you all day baby" he smirked kissing me again.
"Me too" I said biting my lip.
"You kill me when you bite your lip. You look gorgeous tonight. I cant wait to take more bites out of you" he said winking at me.
"Your lines are beautiful" I laughed as he pulled me on top of him so I was straddling him making me blush even more.
"I'm kinda glad you wore a skirt today hmm, did you do this on purpose?" he questioned as his licked his lips.
"Of course not babe" I winked. "But first, before anything happens or goes any further. What are we? because I don't wanna just be your hook up?" I said nervously.
"You. Are. Mine. No. One. Else's understand? You are mine. My girlfriend, My everything" He said picking me up. Wrapping my legs around his waste I nodded. The words I have been wanting to hear. "I'm glad we could clarify that baby" I said smiling like crazy as he walked me upstairs to bed room and plopping me down onto the bed. "I'm now going to take you in every space of this room again and again until you beg me to stop even though I know you won't" He said taking off his shirt. oh my sexy I said drooling.
We haven't really done anything together yet other than in Europe but that was a drunken night so I don't really remember. I'm excited. Everything in my life Is happy. Moving here was the best thing I have ever done. The best move I have made in my life.