Sequel to Murderer.
Justin and Amelia have been separated for about 6 years. Everything has been so different without each other. They have created there new lives but where did they get? Did they move on? Find someone new? Well we will find out.
Life has been pretty crap recently. I mean it has been for the last 6 years since Amelia left to go God knows where. I've been in and out of girls literally. I mean I must have had like 50 girlfriends but none of them are anything compared to Amelia. She is so amazing and I think about all the time that I messed up. I'm such a dick what the hell was wrong with me. You get the most perfect girl and you go and fuck It up. Justin what is wrong with you man. To be honest the girls I've dated have been beautiful but nothing compared to Amelia and to be fair I've treated them the same as her. I've given them my all but none of them deserved it. Most of them were gold diggers only here for my money so that another reason why they didn't work but its okay. I'm working on my relationships and realising who's bad for me and who's good but the more I try the more it just doesn't happen and they all become bitches in the end and I cant deal with that.
Other than girls my life has been pretty good. I've become quite successful in my singing career. I've just released my second album called purpose and I'm about to go on my second tour which is amazing and my gang is doing pretty well. I mean I haven't really been doing much other than overlooking what everyone is doing. I haven't got into any fights which is surprising to be quite honest. I've just been focusing on writing songs and my career. I'm thinking about giving up my gang and making one of the guys because keeping both up is impossible. I think I've become less aggressive recently. I actually started meditating and I think that has helped but I will still look after the gang for now I guess.
Sitting down at the table with my manager we discussed the dates of the tour. I was really excited to do this because I cant wait to do what I love. Singing in front of thousands of people and meeting loads of beautiful girls and I meant that is a great benefit. I pretty much take a girl home each night. One of age of course but it keeps my anger at bay and the sex is pretty good and then they go on about there day. I'm surprised that no one has sold that story to the press or what not but I guess that a good thing. "So we are going to start the tour in America?" my manager said to me knocking me out of my thoughts. "Uh yeah thats fine in don't mind where we start I just want to sing" I said shrugging.
The only thing is when I sing I tend to think about Amelia. I know it's silly to still think about her after 6 years of not having her but I can't help it. She was and still is my life. I want her back but I don't know where she went, where did she move to? So what can I do? I follow her on instagram and what not but it doesn't show where she is. I know I shouldn't follow her. I know I should focus on my life and get over her but I can't. My phone bleeped as I saw Amelia had posted a picture. Yes I have her notifications on but don't start with me I miss her.
My heart dropped as I saw the picture of her and some familiar guy, Luke?. I stood up and walked out of the room into the bathroom. Smashing my fist into the mirror on the wall I starred at the photo. What the hell is this! I was fuming, livid. I haven't felt this angry in ages. Maybe it's her. Maybe she is the reason I'm like this. Maybe its good she gone? GET A GRIP JUSTIN!!
I shouted at myself looking down at my bloody hand. What Is wrong with me. How has she moved on so quickly? I mean its been 6 years Justin I thought. Yeah it has been but it doesn't mean she should be posting pictures of her and her new boyfriend. Does she not realise how that will make me feel? How angry this make me? Is she actually out to get me? She is fully breaking my heart right now. Breaking my heart for the 6 millionth time. I follow her on an unknown account so she doesn't know its me because she wouldn't let me follow her if she knew who I was she probably would block me but I don't know. I don't follow her on my actual account.
Walking back to the room with my manager I sat down and breathed heavy. I was fuming but I need to get this meeting over and done with so I know what I'm doing for the next couple of months and once I'm out of her i'm getting drunk. I don't even care no more. I want to be with her and seeing this photo is killing me. I don't know why I cant move my sight from this photo. I love this girl more than anything and now she has a boyfriend. What am I going to do.
On my way home I called up Ryan. "Hey bro. Wanna go party? I could really use the company? I'm not in the best of states at the moment"
"Yeah I'm down. Meet at yours 6?" I looked at the time 16:57pm.
"Yeah thats great I'll be ready" I said hanging up the phone.
Once I was home I got changed making sure I looked extra sexy. I posted the photo with my shirt undone so you could see my chest and posted. Hopefully Amelia would see it and think she needs me back or she needs to speak to me and all the other dreams I have dreamt about her coming back happening. The door bell went and I walked down the stairs doing up my shirt and finally answered it. "Hey sexy" Ryan said walking in my house. "You ready?" he said laughing.
"Yes, let me grab my chain and my wallet and we can go" I said running up stairs to get it.
When we finally arrived in the club I could feel my adrenaline pick up. I walked straight to the bar and bought a bottle of vodka for me and Ryan to start of with. I mixed it with some red bull and gulped down the first glass. "Calm down Justin flipping hell. Your suppose to drink the drink to breathe it in" He said laughing but I continued to drink my drinks quickly.
"Jäger bombs?" I asked making Ryan laugh. I walked up to the bar and ordered 10 jäger bombs 5 for me and 5 for Ryan. "Hey, your Justin Bieber?"A girl said knocking me out of my thoughts. She looked beautiful, sexy, stunning. "Hey, yeah I am" I said biting my lip at her.
"You wanna dance?" She said making me smile.
"Of course, do you wanna help me with these?" I smiles pointing it the Jäger bombs waiting to be drunk.
"Why not" She giggled. Taking down all 5 shots before she finished 3 I starred at her and watched her beautiful body swaying at the same time
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"You did well" I said laughing at how long it took her to do 5 Jäger's.
"Hey, I still did it don't laugh at me" She laughed. I took her hand and led her to the dance floor. My arms wrapped around her waist as she moved her hips to the song that played, pushing herself closer and and closer to me. I can't lie it was arousing and I had to move her a bit away from me because I was getting a hard and that embarrassing at this point in time. Like I don't even know the girl but I really want to. "You are beautiful" I whispered in her ear making her flush red.
"I don't need to tell you your sexy cause I know you already know" She whispered back make a shiver run down my spine. That hasn't happened for a long time. What is this girl doing to me. I've been with her for 5 minutes and I can already feel her impact on my life. She's making me forget my past and all I can think about is her and what I want to experience with her. "What's your name?" I realised I hadn't asked her yet.
"Ava" She said smiling. Ava, beautiful Ava you are going to ruin my life in a good way I can feel it.