Sequel to Murderer.
Justin and Amelia have been separated for about 6 years. Everything has been so different without each other. They have created there new lives but where did they get? Did they move on? Find someone new? Well we will find out.
I can't believe that I just ran into Amelia. I haven't seen her in so long, 6 years. I can't even contain my excitement to see her tonight! I mean I've seen her on Instagram and stuff but actually touching her it's a feeling I am completely compelled by.
New message from; Ava<3 Hey, how's USA? x
New message to; Ava<3 Hey baby, it's going well. Meeting an old friend tonight. How's Europe? x
New message from; Ava<3 Aw, that's cute. I can't wait to have you back home! I miss you already! x
Seeing this text made me realise maybe it's not Ava that I want or that I need. I mean it's different with Ava, not the same but different and maybe I need different? Ah I don't know. Ever since I bumped into Amelia, I can't help but think about her and wishing she was texting me the way that Ava is, but she has a boyfriend, so I have no luck. That really breaks my heart. How can he have a boyfriend! I mean it's only been 6 years... Who am I kidding she's gorgeous how could someone not snatch her up? Plus, she moved halfway round the world to get away from me because I'm a massive prick but maybe tonight will be different? I pray she remembers her feeling for me and we can get back to what we were. Will she want that?
6:30PM I guess I'll start getting ready now. I walked into my shower feeling the hot water relax my muscles. I'm so worried about this date. Is it a date? not of course she has a boyfriend. Fuuuck. I need to relax. I'm getting all worked up for nothing but a catch-up meal. Chill out bro. Fuck. Once I got out the shower I walked into my wardrobe and pulled out my white shirt and blue suit. Gotta look fancy for my... well I don't know what to call her? my friend?
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I look decent, I thought as I pushed my hair back with some gel. Looking down and my watch it is 7:15PM. Damn I need to go I said grabbing my watch and wallet and walking out to my driver. When I arrived at Amelia's house, I decided to ring her, I didn't want to go the door in Luke was there or something because can't how to control my anger that much and I don't know what I might do. My feeling seems to always get the best of me
"Hey Amelia, I'm outside in the black Range Rover"
"Okay, I'll be one minute" She said hanging up. I watched out the window looking at her door waiting for her to come out. As she opened the door, I watched her giver her what I'm guessing is her boyfriend and kiss and a hug which made me clench my fist. Wait, I've seen that face before. That should be me what the fuck. Yeah, but you fucked it up... my inner self said making me roll my eyes. As she walked to the car my heart began to race. She looks phenomenal oh my.
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