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*3rd P.O.V*

Two girls were sneaking, along the hallway. No one dare to spoke. Soon, they will started the plan. Gyuri who's at the front glance at Jisun. The girl nodded and Gyuri clenched her fist.

"Ready?"Gyuri asked hand still holding her precious. Jisun nodded and smiled.

"HEY!!! WE'RE HERE! COME AND CATCH US IF YOU CAN! " Gyuri shouted at the top of her lung and soon their surrounding were full of footsteps and voice of 'catch them, don't let them go'. And they did found the two of them. Gyuri and Jisun were immediately handcuffs. They didn't fight back.

"We've got them boss!" Said the guard who's supposed to be called Siwon.

"Where's the other!? Search more you dumbass!" Their boss, Yesung said.

"Aye aye captain!" With that Siwon and another one called Donghae went to search for the others. They were running in hurry that made Siwon almost trip but he knew how to cover it.

"You're a dead meat when you met him." Yesung told Gyuri and Jisun before command the other workers to drag both of them.

"Can you be more gentle?" Gyuri said that made Yesung glare.

"Not a chance and shut up your fucking mouth. Don't ever try to test me." He said, gritting his teeth.

Gyuri and Jisun decided to shut up and let themselves being dragged like a thing. Once they're arrived at one room, they were thrown, making the both of them fall on the ground. Their groaned can be heard.

"Can you guys just be gentle? It's not that hard to ask right?" Jisun said and it looks like someone's head is boiling.

"Shut up! You guys really love giving me trouble from the beginning! All I've asked is to follow the rules! "Mr. Kim burst out, hitting the table. His action made Gyuri and Jisun stay still.

"Once we've gather you all we'll start the plan. Everything will be perfect unless you bitches made some stupid move again. I gave you a warning don't even think of trying or I'll not hesitate to kill each of you." He said before he went back to his chair.

Gyuri and Jisun then being put at the corner of the room, still tied up. Jisun looked around her and the floor really clean. There's nothing that can be use to cut the rope. Jisun clicked her tongue.

"Don't move or we'll hurt you." The workers said. Gyuri looked at Jisun whispering, "Calm down...we're doing this slowly." Jisun just nodded and leaned on the wall.

"Mr. Kim I have something to tell you." Gyuri called him and it did catch his attention.

"What is this? Last word? Just like last time?" He asked, smirked.

"It's more than that. It's a message from someone really precious to you." Gyuri told him.

"Cover their mouth I don't want to hear anything." He said to the workers before changing her eyes back to the screen.

"Wait! It's from your wi-" Gyuri word was cut off by the tape along with Jisun.

"Ermmmm!!!" Gyuri struggle but she can't do anything.

'Shit our plan had been ruined!" Gyuri thought as she's thinking the next plan.

'This is bad...did Gyuri had something in mind? We're dead meat right now.' Jisun thought.

"Stay still while we're looking for your precious friends and you know? It won't be that hard." Mr. Kim said as he smirked.

Gyuri wrinkles her eyebrows, she knew something bad gonna happen in a few minutes.

Mr. Kim then came closer to Jisun, Jisun shivered. "ERMMMMMMM!!" Gyuri keep on struggling, she dragged herself towards Jisun but the worker push her away making her body hit the wall hard. Gyuri winched in pain. Jisun glared at Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim rolled his eyes, "I've already hurt her once but you still has a beautiful body. Why not I paint that body with some cut?" Jisun widening her eyes and shook her head very fast. Tears almost drop from her eyes. Gyuri on the other side was bearing with the pain she felt.

"Don't worry. I won't do it now. Maybe in front of your beloved hero and heroine. It will be more interesting isn't? Hahahahaha. "Mr. Kim laughed.

Mr. Kim then walked toward the table that was place in front of the screen. Then he clapped his hand. The door opened.

"Hey let me go! You freak! " Jiwon screamed before being thrown on the ground.

Gyuri and Jisun who were already in the room can't do anything at all. One by one, all of them were gathered again except for Nagyung

"You guys were smart. But not smart enough." Mr. Kim told them as he walked towards Saerom.

"I can't believe that you're being used twice. Can't you notice it already? Poor you. And of course I want to say thank you for making my plan success."Mr. Kim told her,smirking. Saerom widened her eyes. It's shocking.

"Don't listen to him you're not their toy." Hayoung said mad.

Mr. Kim rolled his eyes before walking towards Hayoung. He squats and slapped Hayoung without mercy. Hayoung screamed in pain. Her cheek felt numb.

Anger can be seen in Saerom's eyes. Who didn't mad after seeing their girl being done like that.

"You better closed your mouth. I'm already tired playing with you guys. Now shall we get into business." Mr. Kim said and he gesture his worker to grab his phone.

Eight of the girls just sat down. Seoyeon tried really hard to release herself but the tied was too strong. Jiheon scanned the room, finding some sharp thing. Unfortunately, there's none.

"Hey guys. Change of the plan. What if we killed all of them? Won't that be more interesting?Let them see their princess's blood in our hands.Let them know who's the boss here."Mr. Kim suggested.

"Everything you want boss. We'll always follow you." Said Yesung. The girls were sweating. In a minute or two, their life might flew away.

Mr. Kim then took a bag that was hidden under the table. He opened it and grab a gun. Then he passed the gun to each of his workers. They then stood in front of the girls one by one. Aiming at them. All that left is to pull the trigger.

"Say bye bye to world." Mr. Kim laughed maniacally.

'Shit...I can't believe I let myself being used twice. I'm useless aren't I Hayoung?Why you even love me?"Saerom thought as she bit her lips.

'We're dead? No I don't want that.' Hayoung thought as she looked at Saerom.

'No...we can't die like this.' Gyuri closed her eyes.

'Fuck this! Fuck this!' Jiwon cursed inside. 

'I just wanna be happy even for a day. Have a normal life. Just like before.' Jisun thought.

'So...this is our last day? No....I still didn't go camping with the others.' Seoyeon thought as tears ran down her cheeks.

' well and I know you love me so much that you didn't even let me flirt with other girls. Haha....what am I even thinking.' Chaeyoung smiled as she remember her lover's face.

'Unnie....I love all of you.'Jiheon bit her lips as a man in front of him waiting for the command to pull the trigger.

'We're always be's a promise.'

Mr. Kim then bring up 3 fingers. Closed it one by one until his hand turns into fist...


That's it.

Just wanna tell you guys that I'm sorry again for not updating. And for your information..the next chapter going to be the last one or maybe the next next one. Thank you for reading all this time. Love you all as always.

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