this is going to be long, this is probably not  A good read, yeah just don't waste your time reading this LOL.   ..  Omg! I'm so irritated, what the hell is a point to that stupid visit if you can call it that. Can't even let to be anger and frustration out right now. If this piece of shit tell me one more stupid thing about my eyesight or being a parent I'm going to kill him.
😡😠 like I know if you let someone annoy you, irritate you, make you angry that's giving them some power. But I just can't take it sometime. So many negative and angry thoughts running through my mind. And I'm not even tired of them as of right now. They can play over and over like a rerun and it will keep an angry smile on my face. Probably ain't pretty but who the hell cares?  Wishing he stepped on a Lego and fell into broken glass would be too kind.  Telling my seven-year-old daughter to watch me, to be careful blah blah blah blah. Is annoying as hell in the summer. Coming to my place tell me what I should and shouldn't do, tell me what I need to do, just shut up!  You came by to see your daughter? That a hole fucking time you were on your damn phone. Made your stupid ass something to eat  and when you're done told me what I should and shouldn't buy.
I truly hate you as a person if you Can call yourself that.  it is so irritating watching your daughter trying to communicate with someone, trying to get their attention, happy and excited about something. Yet the person they are showing this to acts like they don't care, doesn't show any interest. You're so fake it makes me sick, unappreciative, ignorant I'm just so done with you.
you act like you're all that, you act like you're the best parents in the world, you walk around like you're shit don't stink. I am not a perfect parent, not even a great human being but at least I know my flaws, at least I don't make excuses on why treat people a certain way. At least I don't go around spreading lies about how I'm a perfect person.

I'm tired of being cordial, I'm tired of putting on a smile in front of this fake-ass person, I'm just tired with this person being in my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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