Ch 1 : Evidence

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Hi guys i really wanted to give my intro first, but I'll just give you edivence first. So that if you dont believe in mermaids then now you will and if you already do then your trust'll get strenghtened.
Lets see the EVIDENCE... NOW!

Mostly every merfolk know about kissing midnight. She was the first mer to leak the picture of scales on her legs to people. And NO the picture isn't photoshopped its proven as 100% real! You may search it on the web to see the pics.

I'll be frank, i don'thave many examples BUT   I Do have a SCIENTIFIC EXPLAINATION.

IF u have read books named "THE SECRET" series (I have btw) , you might just know what the universal secret is.

If you havent then allow me to tell you. In a nutshell, it says that whatever you think becomes real life.

That is, YOU AND YOU ONLY, can shape your future.

It can be anything.

Becoming rich, a mermaid, anything. You also have to act remember. Instead of thinking you will become a mermaid, think you are a mermaid(believe me i got great results)

because if you think you'll become a mer soon/when the time comes/someday/in future, it ends up in an endless loop of soon/when the time comes/someday/in future.

Its kinda like this, tomorrow never comes. Dont think you arent a human, think you are a mermaid. That is, dont use the words isnt, not, never, impossible, unbelievable etc.

You can think of the universe as a card inserting machine. You write what you want to happen, but the machine doesnt understand words like wont, isnt, not etc.

And that is the exact reason when you hope there wont be a fight instead of hoping everything goes peaceful, the fight starts.

Also, the type of emotions you give also matter. Think of yourself as a magnet, except you attract things like what your feeling.

even though you hope everything goes peaceful, if you are feeling angry you might get into situation involving angry people.

If your sad you attract sadness, in fact you make the others around you feel sad.

I believe we've ALL been in this situation when someone lashes angrily at us when we said nothing to them.

Well, think about that time again. Were you feeling angry even though you hid your feelings quite nicely?

Most chances are you probably were. Or maybe someone else around you was angry which made that girl/ guy get angry and pointlessly lash at you.

If you think about something, for ex. You want to win the lottery and you keep thinking you have won, You have won...

but then, you dont win. Dont feel bad then. It could be that you kept feeling or saying that you WILL win it.

Or perhaps someone, who won perhaps used the secret better.

You might know about saints who used to meditate then levitate(fly.).

So if you can fly then why cant you swim with a tail? If you can change and grow so much in an year, then why cant you choose what you wanna grow, like a tail or wings? Of course you can.

I hope you believe in mers now... if you still dont then leave just no hate plz.!

Stay tuned! Plz vote if you liked my explanation.
If you have any questions plz ask in the comments I'll try my best to answer...

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