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If you ask me, I don't really believe in spells.

But, the faith and belief you put in the spell, truly does work miracles.

I believe in shifting btw. You can command nature to do anything.

Especially things like making it rain, or drizzle, making the sun shine blazing hot etc.

You can change too much, but it is nearly impossible like making it snow when it's not the season yet, or it's just super hot. Making rain is truly the easiest.
Easy- peasy...

Believe me I have done that⬆️
So here's exactly how I did it ⬇️this same thing has happen many times.

I was just in my school van, then the children started talking about the weather.
They aren't ones to care about the weather, but their games period will be cancelled if it rains, and it feels nice when you say something and happens.

They started stating things without a clue of what's gonna happen, and ALL of them said it was not gonna rain and it was gonna be totally dry today.

I'm more of an introvert, but I'm a two sided person AND I'm bipolar. I'm not very mean or rude, but I'm so not the typical friendly person.

It's super hard making a friend. And I wonder why so many people are attracted to me (in all kinds of ways) even when I'm the small group-of-good-friends kimda person.

And I'll be fair I never ever ever raise my voice too much. And I also never use any other type of expression to express my anger other than sarcasm, and Ihave some other ways.

And you guys already know I can control some of the future, so it's pretty easy to get back at them, earn some sweet revenge.

Also, teachers respect me VERY MUCH. Many  times when teachers write something or teach something, they ask me if it's right, and my opinion etc.

I even had to check the work of some teachers a certain day, which was two heavy big folders and they were really really important.

It literally took me a day to check all that, just to see if there was any grammatical mistake and if the material was good or not.

But still, my life still isn't a bed of roses, and people are still mean and some of them betrayed me, but believe me, according to the level of hpw much they hurt me, they're life's becoming really bad, and I don't even have to do anything;

just sit back and design their destinies. Like my used to be best friend who just left me for a really bad girl.

She totally broke me, and I decided to never ever open up to anyone. Believe me, what she did, has made her life true HELL. I make her cry whenever I feel too angry towards her.

Everyone agrees she's cried a whole lot more since she left me, and none of it was because of me.

What they don't know, was that I changed her future to make her because of some reason. Let me list some of the reasons she cried someday:
1. Someone hit her by mistake
2. She fell
3. Someone said something bad to her.
4. Many people said she was wrong about me.
5. She got hurt due to... something.
There are more reasons, I don't remember them all. And, she isn't a crybaby, still she cried over all those things listed above and others.

Believe me, You don't wanna mess with me.

If your someone who gets bulied or anything this thing can really help you.

Also, when I was born, my mother figured out that thingy they do with the planetary positions, our birthdays our name etc.

Anyways, she got to know that I have great intuition. Which is probably why I  could know when it was going to rain and my subconscious informed me. Or maybe I changed the weather.

I've told a terrifying lot about myself.

So, let's go back to our story. I claimed to everyone that it will rain. I just kept telling mother nature, plz make it rain.

It rained right after we reached school. I know nature doesn't want me getting wet, when I was the one who asked for the rain so she always makes it rain right after I enter the school.

And guys this ⬆️ has happened many times, so just focus and you'll do it.
Believe in yourself.

Ly -  yours truly, Lav

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