03 l ANGER

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(n.) a strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism


"LISA." Jennie couldn't believe her eyes. Her best friend was actually back. Right here, in front of her, after a year of complete silence. She was momentarily stunned at her beauty, in awe of how much she had changed, and how much she hadn't. She had the same beautiful features she had one year ago, but her cheeks were slimmer, her jawline more pronounced. Her lips were just as luscious as they were when she kissed them, the day she left.

"Hey," that soft voice touched her ears again. That voice that haunted her every day for the past year. From replayed videos, voicemails, and messages. Anything to remind her that her best friend did exist and she didn't imagine their years of friendship. Because yes, when Lisa left without a word, Jennie's world had gone truly quiet.

Before she could help herself, a slap loudly echoed across the restroom and Lisa's head whipped to the side.

"I guess I deserved that." The taller blonde touched her reddened cheek and looked at Jennie in the eye.

"How could you just leave like that?" Jennie's voice was low, her fists trembling at her sides. "You broke me, Lisa, after all we've been through together you just upped and left. After all that I've done for you, the least you could do was tell me. Tell me where you were going."

"I know Jennie, and I'm sorry I-"

"No, Lisa," Jennie's jaw clenched and she moved closer. "Sorry isn't going to turn back time. Sorry won't bring back a year of constantly thinking about what I did wrong to make you leave without telling me. Sorry won't unbreak a heart only a best friend could shatter. So shut the fuck up."

Lisa bit her lip and nodded, tears filling up in her green orbs. Jennie felt her heart drop at the sight, and she restrained herself from reaching out to wipe her tears away.

"And so you left for what," the brunette gestured to her body. "This? To lose weight?"

The brown-haired beauty looked to the ground, her voice trembling, "I couldn't let you protect me all the time," She looked back up, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I wanted you to be proud of me. I wanted the beautiful popular girl to be seen walking with one just as pretty. I wanted to be wanted like you were. I wanted to be invited to parties because people actually wanted me to, not because I was your best friend and you wouldn't go anywhere without me. I wanted us to be able to take pictures like those tumblr posts you like and gush about so much." She pounded her chest. "Do you remember that time we decided to dress up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Cat in the Hat? My costume didn't fit me! I had to improvise and dress up as a fucking ghost while you paraded around in the perfect princess costume. I lost weight because I wasn't good enough!"

"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life," Jennie scoffed. "You know I don't give a flying fuck what other people thought. This is high school for crying out loud! This is nothing compared to a whole life ahead of you. And you broke my heart and left me to lose weight? Am I really that easy to leave behind? You didn't even fucking explain! I-"

Lisa grabbed her sleeve, tears flowing from her beautiful green eyes now, suddenly seeming desperate. "Please, I can explain, just give me-"

"Lisa! You just did!" Jennie was exasperated. "Your whole speech about your weight problems that were never a burden or a problem to me. Like I said, this is just high school. In the real world, nobody's going to care if you're invited to parties. Congratulations, you explained, and I'm still heartbroken. Now leave me alone."

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