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(v), to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state : bring back


"LISTEN, I GET that you're mad at me, but give me five minutes to explain." Lisa implored, an almost desperate look on her face.

"You left to lose weight," Jennie deadpanned. "Without telling me. There's nothing to explain." She moved to shut the door but the taller blonde blocked it with a foot.

"Are you seriously going to throw away years of friendship for that one mistake?" Lisa's voice was exasperated, her hand against the door. "I didn't tell you because I didn't know how!"

Jennie opened the door wider, her stance angry now. "Oh really? How about, 'hey Jennie, I'm moving away for a bit to lose weight,'" She hissed. "Have you tried that?"

Suddenly, Lisa shoved her back inside her house, shutting the door behind her and got up close to her space.

"Lisa get the fuck out-"

"Shut up and listen to me," she growled, clutching her robe. "That was exactly what I was gonna fucking tell you," she was shaking, her voice trembled with barely controlled anger. Her chest heaved. "But you kissed me."

She whispered the last part, almost regretfully. She could see that Jennie's face was unreadable, passive, and she was afraid she had perhaps revealed too much of herself with the way she sounded when she said that statement. Her green eyes skittered down for a second in embarrassment then immediately back up to the ceiling, a red blush climbing up her neck and cheeks.


Jennie glanced down and saw that during the short argument, her robe had fallen open, revealing the edge of a boob and half of a pink nipple. She quickly tied it up to make herself more presentable and cleared her throat. Lisa was avoiding her eyes.

Jennie shook her head. "It was just a kiss for fuck's sake," she tried to get back on topic, to ignore how cute the attractive blonde was when she blushed and how it turned her on a bit that the latter had seen her nipple. "We were best friends. Why would that stop you?"

"It got awkward, ok?" Lisa ran her hand through her hair. "I'm g-getting uncomfortable around people and that kind of triggered it."

Jennie stared at her in disbelief. What kind of bullshit was she hearing?

"I was your fucking best friend!" she wanted to shake her but she knew touching her might fog up her mind. "And you mean to tell me you were too uncomfortable with me to tell me? We've seen each other naked before for god's sakes!"

"Look, I'm sorry, ok?" Lisa ran a slender hand through her hair, pushing it back and allowing it to flow back to frame her angular features. "I made a mistake. I know that. But I don't wanna lose you over it."

"What if you already have?"

"Then I'll fight for you," Lisa's green orbs burned as she looked at Jennie and the latter's chest constricted at how beautiful the blonde looked at the moment. Her jaw was set in a determined way, emphasizing her jawline. Her perfect brows were slightly furrowed and her full lips trembled. "I'll win your friendship back, somehow."

Then as if talking exhausted her, she allowed her hands to drop to her sides, unclenching her fists. She dropped her head and her perfect posture fell away to slumped shoulders.

"A thousand sorry's won't turn back time or what I did to you this past year," she said softly. "But with all I have left in me, I won't give you up. You're my best friend."

She Lays Down ★ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now