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(n.) mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.

"DON'T SCREAM," Lisa's tone was firm and dead steady. Whereas Jennie was almost hypervantilating, her eyes wide and hands gripping the edge of the door so tight the knuckles were white.

"I-is that a-a-" Jennie couldn't form a coherent sentence. She felt like fainting.

"It's a heart, yes," Lisa indicated to the bloody organ on the sink as if she was talking about her dog. "Do you have a plastic bag?" She knelt down to check under the sink's cabinets.

Jennie swallowed bile. "A human...?"

"God, no," Lisa said, no humor in her voice. "A pig's. At least I think it is. They wouldn't dare kill another person." When she said the last part, she sounded unsure.

"Wait. Wait a second, Lisa - would you stop moving around and just freaking listen to me!" Jennie whispered yelled, almost fully yelling but remembering at the last moment that her parents were probably in the hallway. "What on earth is going on? Who's they? Fucking tell me Lisa, or so help me I will scream and call the police."

She stood there, staring her friend down. Lisa looked back helplessly, knowing she'd have to explain the bloody heart in her best friend's sink. What would she think of her?

"Ok, fine," the blonde sighed hard. She pinched the bridge of her nose and shut her eyes. "Just help me clean this up first before your mom comes in here and I'll tell you everything." She hesitated, thinking of just telling Jennie the half-truth and keeping the rest hidden.

"Lisa, you forget that before your stupid drama, we were best friends. I know that look. Don't you dare lie to me or leave a single detail out," Jennie ground out, reaching down her sink cabinet to wrench a plastic bag away and shove it into Lisa's hands. "I want a damn good explanation as to why there's a fucking bloody heart on my marble sink!"

She shut the bathroom door on Lisa's grim face and heavily sat down on her bed, breathing hard. Her mind tried to connect pieces together, but none of it was making sense. She just checked and cleaned her room about four hours ago. No one had come or left their house. Her window had the standard security accessories. Whoever would dare climb would immediately be electrecuted and it had to be turned off from the inside. And how is it connected to Lisa? Why is she behaving like she sees this all the time? Does she? It's almost like she's been expecting it.

She heard water running from inside the bathroom and figured the blonde was washing the evidence away. She didn't have to wait long before the door opened and there she stood with a plastic bag in one hand, no doubt with the heart in it.

"I need to bury this. I obviously can't just throw it in your trashbin."

Jennie nodded her head towards the corner of her room, where two large silver bins were sitting. "Throw it in the left one. It's a chute that goes straight down our furnace. It burns the trash immediately."

Lisa nodded, and walked over to dump the bloody heart in. Jennie winced at the slight squish sound it made as Lisa held it in one hand to open the latch and dump it in. Normally they separated the plastic from the organic ones since it polluted more when it burned, but in this case, something had to keep the chute from staining red with the freaking blood.

Once satisfied the evidence was gone, Lisa stood there for a moment, not facing Jennie.

Jennie crossed her arms, tapping her foot on her carpet. She knew Lisa well enough to know the other was preparing herself, or planning a script on what to say. She gave her about five seconds of that before she cleared her throat.

She Lays Down ★ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now