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(n.) the ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign's consort.


NERVES. NERVES all over. Lisa's palms were sweaty and she wanted so badly to wipe them on her gown, but the diamonds studded unto it would probably scratch her pretty bad. Over the course of her adventure she had worn some pretty impressive gowns, but nothing beat the lavishness of what she had on now for her coronation.

Oh my god. Today's my coronation.

The stunning beige gown glittered in the sunlight streaming through the palace window. It wasn't because of fabric with glitter on it, but it was because of actual diamonds and other tiny precious stones. This gown was passed down from one of the older queens of Monaco, and over the years they had added jewels to its already intimidating look. They had the dress fitted to perfectly suit the new incoming Queen, and it still felt incredibly heavy for Lisa to wear. She was wearing a dress worth millions of euros. What if she tripped on her heels and ripped it? Oh god.

Her green eyes sparkled naturally, her beautiful blonde hair delicately and intricately let down to accommodate the crown. Her makeup was very minimal, showing off her stunning, natural beauty. Today they were going to do the coronation in a traditional manner, which meant that there was a large red cape that was going to be draped around her shoulder, while she held the orb and sceptre.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her fast-beating heart. She was going to do something out of tradition today.

When her name was announced, it seemed as if the world grew silent as the large doors opened and her feet automatically placed themselves in front of each other. She couldn't remember walking to the where the pope was, but before she knew it, she was standing in front of the world. Cameras were rolling, the whole world watching the coronation of the miracle princess. She scanned the special guests invited, looking for one special face she had grown to love since they were kids. She smiled slightly when she saw Nayeon waving excitedly, the twins standing beside her. They were situated at the box nearest her, and she found her face immediately.

Jennie wore a simple midnight blue dress that made her blue eyes pop, and the soft smile she delivered her lover instantly grounded her. Lisa took a shaky breath and said her vows. The cape was draped around her shoulders, making it heavier for her. Then the sceptre and orb were gently handed into her hands, and lastly, finally, the crown. All these added together weighed so much Lisa feared she might collapse. But then surprisingly, she didn't and found that she was quite stable.

No wonder Jisoo made her do all those pushups.

As she said her vows, and did all the required ritual of becoming Queen, she zoned out. It was like she was in a dream, everything suddenly quite fuzzy and wonderful.

"...Your Majesty, Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban, Queen of Monaco."

The world slowed down. In what seemed like forever but is really a few minutes, the orb and sceptre were placed away and the only thing left on Lisa was the heavy crown and new authority over an entire country.

And she was about to break tradition.

She walked over to where her friends were, and the people were confused. What was the Queen doing?

She leaned over to a frowning Jennie, her beautiful face looking just as confused as everyone's in the room.

Lisa felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest. Was she going to get arrested if she did this? Would she get kicked out of the country?

Smiling in a way that was way more confident than she felt, Lisa whispered, "I love you, milady." And she closed the distance between them and kissed Jennie. Her lips were soft, as always, and hesitant. Jennie started to pull back but Lisa followed, keeping her eyes closed. She was going to have Jennie by her side the rest of her life, so might as well let them know now. Then they pulled apart, breathing hard.

Oh shit. What have I done I'm an idiot.

The silence in the room was tense. And then, Bambam stood up, clapping wildly. The twins and Nayeon soon followed, and before long the entire room was thundering in applause.

And that was how the young Queen came out to her country and the world. Of course, she had bashers and haters, but she had the support of the majority of the country, and she didn't let it stop her from serving her people.

That night, Jennie celebrated with the new Queen.

Privately, of course.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed reading this book. See you guys on my next adaption.👻

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