The home

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     The summer after the wedding flew by, Carlisle and Sheridan toured all over Europe. Expensive beach houses and the occasional farm house. They went skiing and hiking in the mountains all over. Sheridan fell in love with so many of the cities they visited; But their vacation couldn't last forever. Sheridan had a job to return to and Carlisle an absurd amount of paperwork awaiting his completion. The Chief of Surgery at Forks General was being replaced, at the request of the American Board of Medicine. Carlisle was being moved into the position of Chief of Medicine at Seattle Capitol Hospital. Sheridan was very excited, she jumped at the opportunity to contact some architects. Carlisle suggested when the position came up that the couple finally move closer to Seattle since majority of their time will be spent there.

While Carlisle took care of his work situation, Sheridan took it upon herself to spend every waking minute of office hours at Banks Architectural firm hovering over the team if architect they hired to build their house. Carlisle was not thrilled about Richard Banks being around Sheridan so much but he had no reason to stop it unless petty jealousy was a real reason.

By the time Sheridan was back at work, the plans were stamped for approval and a team was on their new property beginning excavation. The whole thing took only weeks to get off the ground and Carlisle was more than pleased by it. Sometimes he was ridiculously thankful for the stock pile of money he saved over the years, it did also help that Sheridan had quite a few zeros behind the value of her bank account as well. 

"Dr. Cullen speaking."

"It's Richard, your wife is disrupting my job site again." The woman was relentless when it came to over seeing the building process, she already shortened her office hours to only 2 days a week so when her labs finished at 2:00 pm she could head right over to the job site. Of course Sheridan always allowed students to request special times and she honoured the appointment before anything else but her main priority was standing around and watching people build the home.

"What is she doing today?" It was October now, one month into building and the framing was a week or so away from completion. They were on a bit of a time crunch considering everyone wanted plumbing and electrical to go in before it snowed and the widows and doors still weren't in.

"Well she's got one of my framers laying out lines for where she wanted the drive way and fountain to go. Its been moved about 30 times so far." Carlisle loves everything about his wife but he will say she is a little bit of a control freak. She would probably build the house herself if she knew how.

     "Alright, I'll come get her." It was nearly 5 o'clock already, Carlisle is only suppose to work till 4:00 unless he's in surgery. He packed up his stuff quickly and made a hasty exit. The drive was short, the house was only 15 minutes away from city boarders in a secluded area filled with trees and a river a few miles away. The property was perfect. Carlisle pulled his car into the muddy driveway where he could see the orange tape wrapped around pegs marking the drive way. As he pulled up he saw Sheridan leaning over the hood of her Tesla, still in a pair of black scrubs, with the house plans resting on top.

"Fancy seeing you here sweetheart." Carlisle came and wrapped his arm around Sheridan, planting a loving kiss on her lips. All the stress Sheridan was feeling lifted off her shoulders at the feeling of her husband.

"I could say the same, what are you doing out here?"

"Someone called me and said you were disrupting the framers." Sheridan did nothing but offer an innocent smile and tuck her self under Carlisle's arm.

"I just need one of them for like 20 more minutes." Carlisle wasn't going to say no to her. He never did.

"Go, I'll talk to Richard. Maybe we can get you a separate employee to help you with whatever you do here." Sheridan took off with the house plans, looking for the same man that was helping her before. The older men on the framing crew were not fond of Sheridan's constant hovering or need for assistance, but the few younger guys in their 20's had no issue helping her out.

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