|Chapter One| 🌹

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Marissa climbed into bed after a long day of doctors poking and prodding at her body. She just wanted to rest and get away from doctors, drift into a painless sleep, and to wake up happy and stress-free. She glanced over at the books on her bookshelf. She smiled when her eyes landed on a particular book. She tried to get up but ended up falling down and taking her covers with her. The thumps of footsteps from someone echoes from the stairway and the person pushed their way into the room within seconds.

“What on earth is happening in here?!” The lady addressed the situation with a worried yet stern tone. 

Marissa grimaced, “I was just attempting to retrieve my novel from the bookshelf, Miss Michelle. I didn't  intentionally mean to startle you and Charles” Marissa gestured towards the shaggy dog resting on the floor beside the ladies feet. 

Michelle sighed and trudged over to the shelf, “Which one?”

“Roses Of Fire.” Marissa replied timidly as she stood on her wobbling legs then plopped down on the bed.

“Heavens, child. Must you always choose that book? Why not something worth reading like, ‘The Art of running a business’ ?” Michelle suggested.

Marissa pouted. “I’ll read those silly business books once I take on the family business. Until then, I’ll be reading whatever I want.” She stated, haughtily.

Michelle sighed in defeat, “Would you like your nighttime snack, miss?”

“Yes please, Michelle. Instead of chocolates I’d like a batch of your specialty, chocolate chip cookies.” Marissa replied.

“Of course miss, right away” Michelle said hastily then turned to leave the room.

“Michelle, one more thing!” Arissa called out.

“Yes young mistress?” Michelle awaited the young girls orders.

“Can you please pass me a dose of penicillin? I’m afraid there may be a chance of me having a coughing attack while you’re absent.

Michelle nods and grabs a dose of penicillin. After handing Arissa her medicine, she smiled and said, “I’ll go get you a few cookies, and a small glass of milk."

And so Michelle took off to go fetch the young girls desired dessert. She rummaged through the kitchen grabbing a cup, the milk jug, and the cookie jar.
Michelle being quite an extra lady, laid the cookie on a plate in a specific order. Wanting everything to be perfect for the young mistress. While Michelle did that, Arissa worked on setting back up her bed, making sure to fluff the pillows satisfyingly and flattening the sheets on the bed.
The timing couldn't have been more perfect for Arissa to lay back down and cover her frail, cold body with her white comforter because Michelle came in with a tray of cookies and milk. Michelle set the tray onto the girls lap and put the glass of cold milk on the might stand. 
"Here you are,Young Mistress." Michelle addressed and gestured to the cookies as she sat down on the foot of the bed.
"They smell delightful, Michelle" Arissa complimented as she reached for a cookie.
“Now, now, Arissa. I have some matters to discuss with you before you snack on these, be patient!”
Arissa frowned and rolled her eyes.  “Fine! But then I get my cookies!”
Michelle continued, completely ignoring her question “Your sixteenth birthday is upcoming and...your parents lined up some eligible suitors for you on that date.”
“ But Michelle! I can choose myself! I am not a baby.” She grouched.
“They are just aiming you towards a good choice. Just like women, men can be gold diggers and players, so they don't want you to be hurt.” She protested
Arissa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “Fine, I will look at them, but I don’t promise I will like them.” 
“Parents are so strict. Even when they’re dead!” she muttered under her breath.
 “First of all young lady, you will not use that tone with me! You ought to respect your parents and stop being such a spoilt brat! You live in this house because you are the heir to your parents' company. 
“I don’t care how much you dislike this decision you have responsibilities! There are some choices in life that you will dislike but it's the only way for you to even live. Do you understand?!” Michelle spat out angrily.
“Yes ma’am,” Arissa said meekly. “Can I have some cookies now,” she said in a hopeful tone.
Michelle's eyes softened. “Of course, love” She handed her two cookies.
“Thank you!” Arissa said as she nibbled her cookies. “Mm. these are good!”
Michelle smiled warmly and took the tray then turned to walk out the room. 
“I expect to see you drifting off to sleep by 11.” 
“But I am in bed Michelle,” Arissa said with a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Can I read in bed for a while? I’m not tired,” she said as she stifled a yawn.
“Only until ten fifty.” She replied
“All right,” Arissa replied softly. She snuggled into her sheets and got her book and opened it. 
“Now where was I? Ah, page 109.” She smiled and snuggled even deeper into her sheets. She turned to her page and started reading. By page 130 she had been drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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