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I got up early and decided to do some excersise. It was quite refreshing and tiring. I think I worked out for about an hour, before taking a quick shower.

After showering and getting ready, I decided on going to my parents house, to see my family, as Sebastian is leaving to go back to college soon. I drove there in a record time, and hope there was breakfast.

Once there, I made my way inside and yelled, "IM HOME!" And made my way towards the kitchen. I see my mom cooking something.

"Hey darling! What brings you here?" She asks me warmly.

"I'm hungry... and I wanted to come and stop by, to say hi." I tell her. She says that Sebastian should be coming down soon, and Ashely should be back from her morning walk too, soon.

I heard elephant stomps near by, so I knew it was brother. He came in, and high five my hand, before ruffling my hair.

"Hey Cami" my brother says. He soon spots the food, and starts scarfing it down. I just look at him in amusement. A couple moments later, we hear the door open, so Ashely is back.

"Hey Cam!" She says, before spotting the food too, and eating some. I soon join them in the eating.

"Yup, you all are definitely related!" My mom says. We all look up from our food, and look quite confused, until we look at each other. It's really hard to not burst out laughing right now.

After eating, we all catch each other up, and I brought up the date that is tonight.

"What's his name?" Sebastian asked protectively.

"Zachary Rodriguez" I tell him confidently. I honestly do think Zachary is kind, and deserves a chance.

"Where did you guys meet?" He asks once again.


"Is he rich? Not that It matters, but I'm curious" Sebas asks.

"Jeez Bro, is this like an interview?" I ask jokingly. He rolls his eyes, and luckily he paws off the questions.

"I just want to make sure you don't get hurt again..." he whispers. I look at him, feeling lucky to have him as a sibling. I tell him that I'll be fine, and he understands. I soon leave, but not before calling Sofia to the house. I'm getting ready here, as Ashely already chose my outfit to wear.

I took a shower and when I came out, I saw Sofia out there, with makeup and hair tools. I groan in frustration, knowing what's about to come.

"Finally! I thought you were never going to come out." She says dramatically. I tilt my eyes at her exasperation.

"I'm out, now make me more beautiful!" I tell her, and she gets right to work. I'm being pulled and mangled, on my hair and face. I wouldn't be surprised if there was blood too.

After 30 minutes of excruciating pain, they finally finished. I looked at myself in the mirror, and nodded in approval. I had on a red velvet dress, that showed some cleavage, that hugged my curves in all the right places, and matched the dress with some black pumps.

"Zachary won't be able to keep his hands to himself tonight!" Sofia exclaims.

"I agree." Ashely pipes in. "I think we did a pretty great job Sofia!" Ashely acknowledged. Sofia nodded in approval.

We took a few pictures for myself, and were on my phone for about 10 minutes, since we finished a little earlier than expected. After a while, we heard the doorbell ring. I got up, and left the room, while Ashely and Sofia said some words of encouragement. I walk down the stairs, to see Sebastian face to face with Zach, and he looks quite frightened.

"You better treat my sister right, you hear me. And if she comes to me crying, because of YOU! I will castrate your balls, feed them to you, until you choke on them. You don't want that, do you?" Sebastian asked Zachary with a demanding voice and look. I was even a little bit frightened. I heard and saw Zach gulp, harshly.

"I won't ever hurt her and no I would not like that." Zach answered slowly and stifly. Sebastián nodded. Then Zachary's eyes met mine. "Wow... You look absolutely beautiful..." he said in awe. I blushed under his gaze.

"So let's get going.... bye guys." I say. They say bye, and Zach leads me to his car. We drive in a comfortable silence, and see that we arrived to a sort of fancy diner, and got seated. It looked beautiful and the design was amazing.

"Wow, it looks beautiful in here..." I tell him in awe. He looks at me, and gives me a genuine smile.

"Not as beautiful as the girl in front of me." He tells me cheekily. I thank him, and I feel the heat rise up to my cheeks. The waitress came, and took our orders. I ordered a medium well steak, and so did Zach.

"So Cami, tell me about yourself." He tells me, while waiting for our food. I take a sip of my red wine before continuing. We talk for a while and enjoy our time together.

We talked for about 3 hours and had such a blast. I really enjoyed how easy it was to talk to him and I was really lucky to meet him. He soon took me home and I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we planned another date. I couldn't wait.


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