fifth episode?

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It was your free period and such a coincidence, it was Hanaki's too. You agreed to meet up in the school yard. You were already there sitting on a bench next to a tree, using the tree as shade.

You finally heard footsteps coming your way and saw Hanaki's coming towards you. He stood there looking at you, making you look at him back. "Are you going to stand looking dumb or are you going to sit down?" You said making him quickly sat down on the bench.

"So, explain" You said going straight to the point made Hanaki sigh softly as he begun explaining what he did and why he did it.


After he explained his reasons, Hanaki was left with a small cut on his lip as he sat on the ground. You both stared up at the sky as you felt good about punching Hanaki in the lip. You now weren't mad at Hanaki no more after he explained.

"Wanna go for some ice cream?" You asked softly, looking at him finding him already looking at him. He smiled nodding his head as you stood up. You helped him up. "Before that, you should get that checked out" You said smiling softly.

"You sure do hit hard" Hanaki said chuckling. You both entered the school and made your way to the nurse's office.

Once you made it the nurse turned around in her chair, once seeing Hanaki she sighed softly. "Seems like someone doesn't like you if you keep getting punched by them, stop making people mad" The nurse made Hanaki sheepishly chuckle.

You helped him over to the bed and sat him down and grabbed the Aid-Kit. You grabbed a stool and set it in front of Hanaki. Grabbing the alcohol to disinfect the cut you had a little smirk shown on your face. "I wonder who you made mad?" You said making Hanaki's face feel warm.

"Dude, don't do that, you look gay" You teased him once seeing him blush as pulled away. "Shut up"


"So the little snitch is alive?" A male said, blowing the puff of smoke out of his mouth as his eyes looked into the eyes of the seven males that stood before him. He slowly got up from his chair smirking, dropping the blunt out of his hand letting it fall to the ground and stepped on it.

One of males nodded his head. "Yes, Kenshi" He replied. "Where is he now?" He asked. "I heard that they we're going to get some ice cream" Another male replied making the male, now known as Kenshi, started to chuckle softly. "Why don't we go visit our little friend, shall we?" Kenshi said with a evil grin before walking off, the seven males grinning a little as they followed behind.


You and Hanaki found a park and sat down at the bench. You drunk your [flavor] milkshake/drink as Hanaki ate his ice cream. "It feels good knowing that you listened to me, thanks" Hanaki said smiling softly at you. "Yeah, it feels good punching you again" You replied back to the sweet comment.

The smile faded away as he rolled his eyes playfully. "Still got jokes eh?" Hanaki said making you chuckle softly. You looked at Hanaki and saw his smile disappear looking at something behind you, his cheerful face turned into fear. Confused, you looked behind you and soon knew what the reason of it.

'Kenshi' You thought his name, but didn't feel any anger towards him, any emotion really. You looked back at Hanaki smiling a bit. "Kenshi and his minions have grown, eh?" You said softly before grinning making Hanaki look at you.

"I'm fine doofus" You said giving him a small pat on his shoulder before standing up, taking another sip of your milkshake/drink. 'Damn, this drink is really good' You thought to yourself. "Well if it isn't the little snitch? I didn't know you were alive for these past years" Kenshi said walking up to you, about to place a hand on your shoulder but you took a step away from him making his hand miss.

You turned to him, your emotionless eyes staring into his. A small shiver ran through his body once looking into your eyes. He smirked chuckling a bit. "Seems like you've gotten taller! About my height" Kenshi said making your eyes go to Hanaki who had already stood up.

"Yo, Hanaki who's this?" You asked, almost laughing once seeing Hanaki's eyes widen at your question. But, it seems that Kenshi felt offended and smacked your milkshake/drink out of your hand making the seven minions share a little laugh.

You looked at your hand then your milkshake/drink that was currently on the ground, hope the ants like [flavor] milkshake/drink. You didn't feel angry, as usual. 'How would I feel if someone smacked a drink out of my hand? Mad, right?' You questioned in your head before you came to an agreement on what to do. "What? Gonna cry-" You punched him, harder than you punched Hanaki which sent Kenshi to the ground. 'Didn't mean to punch you that hard' You thought, not wanting to say it out loud.

"You bitch!" Kenshi got up, going in for a punch. 'So slow' You moved out the way, tripping him during the action making him fall once again. You looked at Hanaki, who still weared that shocked expression. You asked him again, "Yo, Hanaki who's this?" Hanaki was about to say something before seeing you lean back a little, grabbing Kenshi's arm and knee'd in him his stomach. Letting go as he dropped to the ground clenching his stomach.

You looked at his seven minions, a small flashback ran through your mind as they apperes to be smirking and laughing at you until it disappeared and it showed them avoiding eye contact with you. "You guys should help your friend up, he's coughing up blood" You said with little interest walking to Hanaki's side letting them help Kenshi up.

'Still like loyal dogs' You said in your head while looking at them. They were about to leave until you stopped them. "Wait, " They all looked at you as you held out your hand. "$10 please, I need to go buy me another [flavor] milkshake/drink again" You said looking at each one of them until one of them quickly pulled out a $10 and walked to you placing it in your hand. "Thanks.. " '..Jungkook' You begun walking away, Hanaki quickly followed beside.

"I don't know what the fuck just happened, but that was fucking awesome" Hanaki muttered, but you heard clearly making you grin a little. "All I just wanted to know who he was, seems like Kenshi never changes, huh? Can't even introduce themselves" You said shaking your head a little like you were disappointed made Hanaki laugh as you both made your way back to the IceCream shop.

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