seventh episode?

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Class finally ended and you had got up from your seat, grabbing your items you left the class. Walking down the halls you went to go find Hanaki since you needed to go ask him something before your next class started.

"___" You turned your head and saw that it was Kenshi. "What?" You spoke as you saw that Kenshi eyes didn't meet yours. "You're wasting my time" You said walking away. "Thanks" "For what?" "For.. Helping me back there in class" It was silent between you both before chuckled. "You actually think I did it for you? Don't get too ahead of yourself" You said as you walked towards him, standing in front of him. "If you had gotten that answer wrong, the teacher would've lectured you for the whole class period and then would've assigned us home work for the class for your stupid mistake" You said honestly.

"I did it so I wouldn't have homework from that class, that's it, nothing behind it" You then walked away deciding not to look for Hanaki and just go to class, leaving Kenshi alone.


You finally made it to your class and was glad that Hanaki was in there. You went over to him and sat the chair beside him. "Im glad you have the same class as me!" Hanaki said smiling. "I'm not letting you cheat off of me" Hanaki smile dropped. "Dammit.. " Hanaki muttered making you chuckle softly.

Class started and you pulled out a piece of paper before writing on it, sliding it over to Hanaki carefully. He read it and his eyes widen. "Do you wanna come with me to meet noona afterschool?" Hanaki quickly nodded his head making you give him a thumbs up.

When class was finally over Hanaki stood up, grabbing your arm after you had got your items and dragged you out of the classroom. "Let's go!" Hanaki said with a huge smile, his cheeks softly dusted with pink made you almost want to laugh.

"So it seems like your crush for noona hasn't died down" You said as you both walked towards your car. Hanaki huffed and patted his chest. "Of course! I have dedicated my love to noona!" Hanaki said as you both got inside your car.

You shook your head smiling a but as you dialed a number, your phone hooking up to the Bluetooth in your car. "Hey ___, are you on your way home?" Hanaki face began to heat up as you started the car, backing out of the parking spot. "Yes, I have Hanaki with me, he said he wants to confess his lo-" Hanaki quickly interrupted you. "I-I didn't not say that!" Sunmi giggled softly.

"Well I'm at the house right now doing yoga" She said. "Alright, we'll see you there in a little bit" You said as you and Hanaki said bye before hanging up the call with Sunmi while driving. "I can't believe you said that to noona" "But she already knows you like her.. You even told her when you first met her" "But that was when we were younger! Now that I'm a man, it's different!" Hanaki said pouting like a child. You had the urge to roll your eyes but didn't. 'Yeah.. A man, more like a child'


Finally making it home, ignoring the shaking bundle of joy, Hanaki, you went inside the house with him behind you. "Noona! I'm home" "In the living room!" You made your way to the living room, having to drag Hanaki.

Sunmi was sitting on the coach. "Just got done with yoga a few minutes ago" She said smiling as she looked beside you and saw Hanaki. "Aren't you go in to greet noona?" Hanaki nervously bowed respectfully. "I-It is lovely to see you again n-noona! Y-You look beautiful as always!" Hanaki quickly said, his eyes stuck on the floor.

You and Sunmi bursted into fits of laughter making Hanaki blush from embarrassment. "Guys this isn't funny" He cried out covering his face wanting to disappear. Sunmi walked up to Hanaki and petted his head. "Still have a crush on me I see~" Sunmi said making Hanaki quickly nod his head.

"Even if you have never dated someone younger than you, I can be your first!" Hanaki said. Eyes filled with determination made Sunmi giggle. "We'll see" She said as soon looked at you. "Any love letters~?" She said making you roll your eyes. "Haha very funny" You said sarcastically making her smile.


You three stayed in the living talking and ate until it was getting dark and you drive Hanaki home. Coming back home Sunmi was asleep in her room and you went to yours. You freshened up and got into some comfortable clothes and got into bed, closing your eyes you slowly fell asleep.

It was only then you opened your eyes when you felt your self not in your bed. Seeing yourself in a white room you realized it was the same white room when you died. "Ah, ___, I'm glad you're here!" A familiar voice you heard.

Turning your head you saw a silhouette of a body, you couldn't see its face as it was just a soft yellow glowing body. "God?" "Hm~ I guess you can call me that" It said. The scenery of the white room changed into a large field with flowers as they stood next to a tree, a small pond next to it.

"Did you bring me here?" You asked the god who nodded it's head as it sat down on the grass, you did the same. "I watched you through this pond, you have grown accustomed to not showing your emotions but.. " It stopped making you look at it.

"It seems there have been a malfunction.. You were only supposed to show your true emotions to people you care about but the malfunction is that.. " It stopped before continuing. "You were still able to show your emotions to other people, faking your emotions I mean" It said as it turned it's head to you.

"Is that a bad thing?" You asked making it shake it's head as a no. "No, it's just that I am confused on how you could do it.. " You shrugged your shoulders as you leaned against the tree. "Maybe because I've always had to fake my emotions most of my life.. " You spoke in a soft tone.

"That may be true" You then glanced at the pond. "When I go back, will you keep watching me?" It nodded it's head. "Of course, that's my job" It said as you looked at your hand and saw that it was slowly disappearing.

"Your conscious is starting to wake up, we'll meet again soon, until then" You smiled at the god. "Until then, god" You then soon disappeared.

The good waved bye. "I shall watch over you, my dearest child"

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