first episode?

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"N-No! Please stop! Let me go" a small 11th grade male, cried and kicked around but the two boys, also 11th grade that carried him didn't budge at all. "Shut it little bitch" One boy said as they brought him to the side of a river.

"Ah, I see you brought the dog" The smaller boy eyes widen at what he saw. "You thought you could get away from snitching on me didn't you? Too bad" The male said laughing at the crying boy.

"Please Keshi, I-I didn't-" The smaller boy was slapped in the face by Keshi as some other boys laughed watching. "Don't fucking lie to me bastard, the teacher told me you were the one who informed him" Keshi said as he listened to your soft cries and looked at the fast flowing river and came up with an idea.

"Can you swim?" Keshi asked looking at the boy with the same devil smirk the smaller male has always been afraid of.

"Answer when spoken to!" The smaller male was punched by Keshi in the face made him whimper softly. "No,I can't." He soft responded softly, Keshi grinned evilly. "Throw him into the river" The males eyes shot up in fear. "No please! Please not that!" The smaller male began to beg while the two boys dragged him closer towards the river, the river may look shallow, but never judge a river just by its looks.

"Throw him, let's see if you can survive buddy" Keshi said. "No-" The smaller male was thrown into the river. The rain and wind was not making it any better and made it hard for him to swim upwards.

The last thing he saw was Keshi grinning and seven boys laughing down at him before he passed out, drowning.

The male soon woke up, but he was in a white room. "W-where am I?" He asked no one in particular. "You are in heaven young man" The male heard a voice and quickly looked around. " I died" He said. "It seems like you are not surprised young man" Said the voice. Well I'm not..I already knew I was going die one day" Said the male as he began tearing up, before he knew it, he began crying.

The voice was shocked and disheartened to hear the male. "My boy, do not cry for I am a god that seeks to help you" The voice spoke hearing the makes cry's die down. "Listen to me my boy"The male slowly looked up seeing two doors, one white door with a gold frame, and a brown door with a green frame a long with some leaves poking out of the door frame.

"I will give you a choice my son of where do you want to go, heaven or back to earth, but please think about it" The voice said making the male slowly nod his head.

'Why would I want to go back to earth, I will just get bullied even more...and if I go to heaven, noona...who will take care of her and her sickness if I'm not around' The male thought as it made the God smile while hearing the male thoughts.

"It seems like you have made up your mind my boy"The voice said making the male nod his head. "I want to go back to earth, e-even if I still get bullied, my sister is sick and I'm the only one she's got" The male responded confidently made the voice chuckle softly.

"By hearing your answer I would like to give you something, but you will also lose something, do you want to hear what it is before you go back to earth?" The male slowly nodded his head at the suggestion. "I will give you power but in return, you lose some of your emotions" The male thought about it for some time before he nodded his head. "I accept your offer" The male said.

"Just walk through the door and the offer will start" The voice said as the white door disappeared. The male nodded and begun walking towards the door. "Thank you" The male then entered the door.

You're welcome, ___ , be safe on your journey of your new life.

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