Trying To Fix Past Mistakes

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*WARNING: Lots of emotional stuff ahead, crammed in under three hundred words!!!! I would recommend a box of tissues if you are sensitive to sad stuff and if you hate Shou Tucker's guts.

Ed burst through the door of the library of the Shou Tucker house. It hurt like hell to be back here, but he had to, for Envy's sake. Ed's thoughts ran like a train as he searched the room for Envy. He would ask Envy out. Go on a late night date. Maybe a beautiful walk through the flowery streets of Xing. And then, if the setting was just right, a proposal. Ed loved Envy so much it hurt.

He turned the corner. "Envy?" He said softly. "It's me, the pipsqueak. Please come out. I'm so-" His eyes widened with horror.

On the floor, a lifeless green lump lay on the floor, in a puddle of blood.

Ed rushed over to Envy, tears coming to his eyes.

A pocketknife had been stabbed all the way through the little creature's body. Who would do this to Envy? A poor little lizard. Edward noticed Envy's little hands were clutched around the handle. Ed choked. No...Envy had done this to...himself. Because of him.

This was Ed's fault.

",no,no..." Edward picked up Envy and held him close. Envy wasn't a homunculus anymore. So...He wasn't able to heal himself. But this what was Envy had wanted.

But this wasn't what Edward wanted.

Envy had cared about him. And Edward had been too much of a dumbass to see that.

Ed got up, setting Envy down. He punched a wall. This place...this hellhole...this was a place where hellish things happened. Ed cursed. Too many things had gone wrong here. So many dark memories and evil shadows.

Edward noticed a book that was lying on the ground.

...By changing their DNA and a few other things, it is possible to change the tissue and organs and other parts of the body into something else permanently, completely rewriting their DNA code...

So that was what Envy had been reading. What had made him end it all. To stop his suffering.

"Oh, Envy..." Edward picked up Envy again, cradling him in his hands. "What have I done?"

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