Edward Elric, a state alchemist, is walking through the streets of Central one day when he discovers a green lizard. The lizard is actually Envy, who was cursed by Father to live his life as a little green monster, and there is only one way to trans...
A little while later, Ed sniffed and wiped away his tears. The most decent thing he could do for Envy now was bury him.
It had been raining and the soil was soft as Ed transformed his arm into a blade and dug away at the ground. He decided to bury him just outside of Central, right on the edge of a lush forest. The sun was just beginning to come out and it cast a glow on the land. Once the hole had been made, Ed gently laid Envy's fragile body into the earth.
Flashbacks of his mom's death ran in his mind. Ed didn't remember it being so hard. Guess he really had feelings for Envy. Real feelings.
Ed stared at him for a moment. "I'm sorry Envy. I truly am. I was so fucking stupid, no, I am fucking stupid. You had feelings too, and I just ignored them. You were neglected your whole life...and I just made it worse." Ed smiled sadly. "I wouldn't have been a good match for you anyways. I'm just a short little asshole who doesn't know any better."
He leaned over, and very delicately, placed a sweet kiss onto Envy's head. "Goodbye."
A moment after his lips made contact with Envy's skin, red sparks surged in the air around the lizard. Edward fell backwards in surprise.
Envy's body grew larger, until it started to grow more human-like limbs. Silky black hair started to shoot out of Envy's head, complete with his signature headband. In a matter of moments, Envy was back in his human form.
Edward's eyes were wide, and he quickly scrambled over next to Envy's body.
His eyes were closed, and his chest was beginning to move slowly.
"Envy?" Ed gasped.
Envy's eyes fluttered open. "Ed..." He whispered. Slowly he reached up his hand to feel Edward's face. He ran his hand through Ed's blond hair, grinning. "My Ed."
Envy then wrapped his arms around Ed's neck, pulling him down, and kissed him hard. Edward kissed back, tears coming to his eyes that Envy was back.
Ed broke away for a second. "But- how?"
Envy just kissed the corner of his mouth. "I have some ideas..." He said, tracing Ed's lips with his own and eventually making it to his cheek. "This is going to sound really dumb, but I think it was love. Like something out of a fairy tale." Envy laughed. "I'm just glad you're here. That I'm here."
"That would make sense. But...what about when you turned into your human form back at the murderer's place? What was that all about?"
Envy gently pushed Ed's head down to his chest, making him hear his rapid heartbeat (the pulse from the philosopher's stone, I don't think homunculi have hearts...?). "You darling. You're the reason why I was able to change." He whispered. Ed nuzzled against Envy's warm chest. Envy continued. "When I saw...saw that you were in danger, the first thing I thought was that I had to save you. Protect you. I couldn't stand to see you getting hurt and I had to help you in some way, every injury you received was a blow to my heart." Envy's eyes welled with tears. "I-I had to protect you...and I c-couldn't..."
Edward looked up and kissed Envy's forehead. "Not at all. You did save me. That's what you're doing right now. I love you. But I'm the one who should be apologizing, Envy. What I said..."
"That's all in the past. And..." Envy smiled slyly. "Those were some lovely things you said to me."
Edward reddened. "You heard me??"
Envy laughed. "I wasn't actually dead, I don't think. I just remember being surrounded and trapped in darkness, floating in an abyss of nothing. And then I heard your voice, and felt something warm and loving overcome me and bring me back."
"Oh Envy..."
"I know." Envy smiled. "I love you too."
"I love you more."
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