Part 6: I Love You Now

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"Yes Sirius, I really like you, you can trust that. But since it happened... I've never been the same. That made me feel more unworthy than I already am and the fact that someone..."
His voice broke.
"Couldn't love me for who I am or want me, to be honest, it hurts like hell, and I understand that I shouldn't want to be loved like but damn it still hurts. I know he didn't want me, he wanted me because I was vulnerable, not because I was...Remus"
Sirius turned to look at Remus' eyes, seeing how beautiful they looked in the starlight and said,
"I'm going to tell you this, but please don't get angry with RemusRemus, I've always loved you for you, I knew from the beginning... and I mean, if I wanted to see you naked, I could have.  I've had plenty of opportunities. But that's not what I'm after with you, nor is it what I love about you. I love Remus, the boy who never gave up, the boy who was strong through it all, who tried his best every day with all the odds stacked so far against him. You're my everything Remus... I love you so much. I love your scars, the way you fold your socks, your giant jumpers, the way your bed head looks, all of you. Remus, you are my everything..."
With that, he kissed Remus under the midnight sky and Remus kissed him back. Sirius could only hope that his love was the love to not fix Remus because he didn't need to be fixed. He needed to be shown that to be loved wasn't to love one's body, it was to love one's heart and soul and Sirius loved him just like that. They separated and Remus said quietly and for the first time Sirius had seen the glimmer back in eyes that he had lost that dark summer night,
"Do you mean it, Sirius? "
Sirius looked at Remus and saw his beautiful self and said kissing there intertwined hands gently,
"Of course I mean it. I love you now more than ever Moony..."

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