Chapter 9: The Omega

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Judging by the crack I heard from the force of my punch, I think I broke his nose.

He cried out in pain and clutched it, trying to stop the blood that was flowing out.

Growls came from behind me. I turned around just in time to see a wolf was ready to pounce on me but, he stopped. His eyes trailed behind me and he bowed his head, going back to where he was standing. I looked back to see Shawn, my mate, hold out his bloody palm stopping the wolf from attacking me.

"No! She's mine." His voice laced with rage. I guess hitting him back must have really pissed him off.


Narrowing his eyes at me he held his nose and twisted it back in place, making the blood stop immediately. Sometimes I'm so glad we aren't humans! But lately I was starting to feel like one.

He slowly made his way towards me and stood an inch away. Heat was radiating off of his body and it was making my hormones go crazy!

Just as I was about to lean in to touch him, I have no idea why I was going to, I snapped back to reality as his hand twitched, almost as if he was going to lift it up. As in, use it to slap my face.

Pshhh, he wouldn't. He couldn't. But then again, he did basically break my wrist and hurt my shoulder.

As I was telling myself that he wouldn't, he had already lifted his hand and was bringing it to my face at an incredible speed. I didn't have time to get out of the way.

With a slap that echoed in my ears, I fell to the ground in shock, my hand flying up to cover the stinging.

My ears rung as the pain intensified both physically and mentally.

Tears filled my eyes as I felt the throbbing in my cheek.

I looked up to see him smirking, his dark eyes gleaming in satisfaction but then a second later, a frown stretched across his face and his eyes held worry. What really freaked me out was that his eyes lightened in color and then, snap! He's back to his smirk.

I don't get him. He hurts me but doesn't feel bad but then feels bad? Why is he so bi-polar?

How am I going to keep up with him? I knew I wasn't as strong as him. It hurt to admit it but it was true. I couldn't even beat my father and I've wanted to kick his ass since I was 10 years old. I'm actually glad he slapped me because it snapped me out of my rage and I actually started to think. I needed time.

And just like that Jennifer Gray, sister and daughter and beloved friend was gone. The person who would give up her life for a complete stranger, was gone.

A small smile made it's way on my lips.

I'm Jennifer Gray, ruthless Alpha and matless bitch who just so happens to have a new goal; Take down Shawn King, and claim my rightful place as Alpha.

I closed my eyes as the plan to take down my mate began in my head. There was complete silence all around me so it made it that much easier.

I snapped open my eyes and sniffled away any emotion that was showing on my face. But then, I brought back the tears that had gone away.

I dove for his feet and clutched at them, hugging them. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please dont hurt me again! Please!"

I violently sobbed into his feet.

He kept shaking his leg, probably hoping he would shake off my death grip but I held on to him with dear life.

"Give me another chance! please!" I stood up and put my hands together hoping that my begging would at least make him melt but nothing seemed to faze him. He literally just stood there with his arms crossed and his face blank.

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