We Are Strong, We Don't Belong ~008~

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>FF to day of tour<

Avery's POV

"Wakey wakey Avey!" someone says jumping up and down on the bed that I share with Jorel. I feel six more bodies join the first person to jump up and down on the bed. "Ugh go away I'm sleeping douchebags." I groan and grab my pillow and go on the ground to try and sleep. Right when I get comfortable, I feel someone grab my legs and someone else grab my arms and pick me up. "Now now, Avery. Wake up before you regret it." I hear my brother say from the side of me. I try and fail to flip him off so I just say, "Fuck you I'm sleeping night." The person holding my arms and the person holding my legs both just laugh and start walking. Me being me and not a morning person just falls asleep being carried to who knows where. I wake up again to being thrown into a pool. I look to the side of the pool and see George and Dylan right on the edge of the pull laughing. I grab their legs and pull both of them into the pool with me. "What the fuck Avery?" George asks me. "Payback is a fucking bitch aint it?" "Wow Avery. Come back here!" Dylan shouts as I get up and take off running to Jorel's room. Once I get in their I notice I only have one outfit not packed. "Aiden! Get your fucking fat ass in this mother fucking room right fucking now!" I hear a few voices laughing at the door as Aiden walks in. "Yes sister?" He asks playing innocent. "Where the fuck are the rest of my clothes." "On the tour bus. Everything is we just need you and now Dylan and George to get ready then we leave to start the tour." "Douche." I tell my brother. I finally look at the outfit they left out. Uh knee high high heeled boots, a small black tube top, and a black snake skin mini skirt is not what I call an outfit. "What the fuck!" I scream. "What's wrong now?" Aiden asks me. "What the fuck you guys call this a fucking outfit?" I yell. "Wait babe. You forgot something." Jordan says. Then he throws fishnet stockings at me. "What the fuck I am not a fucking stripper dumbasses." "Eh that or go naked." Aiden says. I just look at him with an 'are you serious' look on my face. His look says he is and that this is what I am wearing to Hollywood Undead's first concert pretty much. I go take a shower and change into my 'clothes'. "So the first concert is here?" Danny asks someone as I walk into the living room, staying by the door so the guys would not notice me. "Yeah man. Were just gonna perform one last concert here then take off across the country and in Europe and shit." George says. "Damn!" Matt shouts, while staring at me. I just blush from the looks he is giving me. "What man?" Jorel asks looking at Matt. He just points at me. The looks of lust on everyone's face minus Aiden is priceless. Danny, Matt, and Jorel seem to have another feeling mixed inside. "Shit." Jorel and Danny say at the same time. "Ok. Maybe the clothes were a bad idea." Aiden says. "Ya think?" I growl at him. "Uh ok lets go." George says looking away from me. We all get into two taxi's. Aiden, Jordan, George, and I are in the first one while everyone else goes in the second one. "Damn girl your gonna have us all in love with you by the time this fucking tour is over." George says. "Not my fault." I say. We arive at the place they are going to perform. Since they would be on soon, I just stayed backstage with them. None of the guys would let me out of their sights. Some of the songs they performed where Undead, City, My Town, Been To Hell, California, Comin In Hot, Sell Your Soul, Tendicies, and Bullet. Amazing fucking concert. I stood backstage with Aiden watching my favorite band perform. Despite knowing them better, I still love their music. After the band performs we get onto the tour bus. "Ok guys. Aiden is going to be in charge of your masks and making sure you get to your concerts. Avery will help with that but will be in charge of cleaning up this bus making sure you guys can have interviewers here without them being grossed out." the manager says. He tells everyone else what they do and gives a schedule to the bus driver. All the guys start drinking. I don't because I don't' trust what I'm wearing around drunk guys, especially if I am drunk to.

"Please Aveee?" Matt slurs a few hours later. "NO! Now go to sleep." "Not unless you come with me." "Ugh Matt really? Just go to fucking sleep and jack off." I tell him, noticing his pretty obvious boner. We have yet to reach our first destination, meaning I can't step outside for air. Matt just pouts. Out of everyone, Danny and I are the only two not wasted or passed out. Jordan and Aiden actually are sleeping in the same bed tonight. Which slightly scares me. George and Dylan are both passed out in their own beds alone. That just leaves Danny, Jorel, and Matt. Two of the three are both trying to fuck me pretty much while the third is just there to make sure I don't get 'raped'. To be completely honest, I would have sex with the three men in the room with me with it not being considered rape. But I would rather not loose my virginity in a 'I have to see you every day even after we fuck' type thing. Talk about awkward. Danny is the only one trying not to get into my pants. Jorel surprisingly won't let me go and keeps turning me on. He does not know that his little plan is working. "Sure your not gonna sleep with me tonight babe?" Jorel asks while running his hand up and down my thighs. Getting closer and closer to my crotch each time. "I'm sure." I barely manage to get out since he's fucking turning me on. I gently place his hands to his sides, again. Matt was pulling the same shit. "Hey Danny?" "Yeah?" "Can I umm sleep in your bed with you tonight?" The looks the three men gave me were priceless. "Not like that you fucking pervs. I just mean sleep and nothing else." "Sure." A few failed attempts to fuck me later Matt goes to bed. Jorel is pouting because I slapped him. Danny's just laughing. "Night Danny." Jorel says walking off, still mad at me. Danny and I go to bed a few minutes later. I somehow end up in his arms, and its way fucking better than being in Jorel's arms..

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