Chapter 33

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"Oh, Sonic. Sonic, Sonic, Sonic," Sonja laughed. Sonic immediately felt pretty stupid, but he didn't know why. "You still have so much to learn. There doesn't exist one book that triumphs over all others. Every book has its own merits and strengths, and it is up to the reader to come to their own conclusion regarding the book. It isn't a matter of quality and objectivity, rather personal preference and taste."

Sonic took it in. Clearly, Sonja had way more experience with books than he. "I've never thought about it like that before," Sonic replied. He felt he had been enlightened. "Thanks!"

"No problem!" Sonja exclaimed. "Hey, when this is all over and done... why don't we pick up a good story and read together?"

Sonic liked that idea. As said before, nothing like a good book after a perilous adventure. He smiled. "Yeah. That would be great!" Sonic beamed.

Sonja smiled. "Lovely..." She whispered.

Good! Great! Awesome! Outstanding! AMAZING! You have gained 3 friendship points with Sonja! 

Continue to Chapter 31

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