Journal: Day 2

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I woke up today and I was still at the IKEA. I feel like I'm losing my mind. The lights were turned back on though. I wandered around and found one of the food stalls. It still had fresh food, hot and ready, but no one was at the stall. Now I know I really lost my mind, but at least I don't starve to death. I munched on some of the meatballs, got some egg rolls, just some random food I liked. After eating I was wandering around when I saw something. There was another person in front of me. They were skinny, tall, really pale, bald, and had an employee uniform on. I tapped his shoulder but he didn't turn around. I thought nothing of it, and decided to wait until another came around.

No one came around until night. Around 10:00 PM, the lights went out. I wandered with my phone flashlight and ran into another person. Another employee. He was fuller figured, short, and looked exactly like the other one I saw. Pale and bald. I said "Excuse me?" and he turned around. To my surprise and horror, he had no face. Despite the lack of any facial features he said to me "The store is now closing. Please exit the building." He then started to run towards me with his arms stretched out. He had really long arms. He chased me, still asking politely for me to exit the store. When I ran, I found a tower of some sort. A mountain of furniture from around the store, a door at the front, with people holding it open and yelling towards me. They wanted me to enter this hill of furniture, and I did. I ran in and they shut the door on the employee. There was no time to explain as one of the other humans said. Oh yeah, they were actual humans. Not those disgusting employees, they had faces and different skin colors. They had an extra bed inside and let me use it. I'm gonna go to bed. When I wake up I will try to ask what the hell is going on here. All I have is this journal until I find a way out.

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