A New Story Starts [1]

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??? - Stop running! You'll fall!

??? - I'll be fine! ... Ow....

??? - You okay?

??? - Who are you?

??? - Me? My name is...

                     And A New Story Starts..
Hiro - My name is Hiro. What is your name?

( You'll understand why she is called Iota and not Zero Two)

Iota - My name is Iota. Nice to meet you!

(Hiro notice Iota has drop some of her candy on the ground)

Hiro - Are those your candy?

Iota - Yeah do you want some?

Hiro - Sure!

(Iota began to take off a wrapper of one of her candy and feeding it to Hiro)

Iota - Say "Ahh"

Hiro - *Blushes* Ahh!

Iota's Mom - There you are! Are you hurt?

Iota - No mom I am fine.

Iota'a Mom - Thank goodness I was worry. And who is this young boy?

Iota - This is Hiro I just met him and he is very nice!
He helped me.

Iota's Mom - Hey Hiro, thanks for helping my daughter Iota out.

Hiro - Oh it's fine, I just hope she is ok.

Iota's Mom - Well it was nice chatting to you Hiro, We gotta go now.

Iota - Mom will we be able to go back and play with Hiro?

Iota's Mom - We sure will *smile* .

Hiro - Bye!

Iota - Bye bye!

Author Note~
Sorry this is my first story and it is pretty rubbish , also this first chapter was all in third person POV , and I shall see you next time!

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