13. Help.

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Bandits. This issue is reaching no end, that man whom Arjuna recently caught in the forest couldn't give him the required information, these people from Ramapur were just Messengers, they were hired only to make the weapons. For crying out loud no one has ever seen the leader. The puzzle has remained a puzzle and now there is no information left to gather from this kingdom and Arjuna has to leave. But things got complicated since he met Chitra.

Two days had passed since Arjuna saw Princess Chitra, everytime he thought about her his heart would make a somersault as if it was his first to ever see a beautiful girl. Her innocence and her clumsiness was supposed to irritate him but these qualities just brought her closer to his heart. But time was slipping, he would soon have to leave this kingdom and was yet to reveal his decision about the marriage alliance. He can't marry Priyamvada, not now when he realised that he developed some romantic feelings towards Chitra.

"My lord!" A soldier showed up in front of Arjuna's room, stating that a royal soldier from Ramapur court had bought an important message from king Indradas. Vikram who was standing by the corner dismissed the soldier.

" It must be for your decision my lord." Vikram stated, It must be a tough task for him, Vikram though.

"My lord, please forgive me for crossing my place but will you ask for Princess Chitra's hand for the marriage alliance?"

"It's complicated Vikram,"  Saying Arjuna took a long breath, confused about what step he is supposed to take. Should he follow his heart? Or maintain his pride as a king and let her go?

"My king!" Ratan came running and almost tripped on his way, "It seems some chaos has happened in the palace last night and the king might change his proposal about you marrying the princess!"

"Minister Ratan, please calm down." Vikram spoke in a calming tone, "Please take a seat and explain in detail."

Minister Ratan explained both Vikram and Arjuna about the Royal hall incident.

"Our informant says that the king was deeply hurt to see his wife and daughter revolting and disrespecting him. So he has decided to get his other daughter, Princess- wait what was her name-" Ratan wondered scratching his head, he just heard her name.

"Princess Chitra." Vikram filled in for Ratan.

"Oh yes! Chitra! So king Indradas might now propose a change in this marriage alliance! What does he take us for?" Ratan spoke in a Mocking tone, "Put up a powerless Princess for a marriage alliance and we would accept? No way on- "

"Enough." Arjuna said gritting his teeth, how dare he speak against Princess Chitra? But he has to control his anger, now that the situation has turned in his favour.

Arjuna stood up adjusting his Royal clothes. "Let us go and see what the king has got to offer." Saying he moved out of the room.

Soon Vikram gathered the soldiers and they left for the Royal court. Vikram smiled while walking behind Arjuna. Well, if things go well his king might get what his heart wants.

* * * 

" Princess!" Meenakshi Exclaimed with happiness as she walked towards Chitra.

"What happened Meenamma?" Chitra asked, puzzled about what Meenamma was so delightful about.

"Today, at the royal court your marriage has been fixed with king Arjuna!" Meenamma spoke with excitement as her eyes shined with love for Chitra.

"Wha-what are you talking about? Are you joking?" Chitra spoke astonished, why would a king like Arjuna marry her? While there were the most talented Princesses like Priyamvada available for him.

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