47. An Instinct.

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This beautiful cover above is made by 8888Asmita
Thank you so much love ❤️

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The brief meeting with the village head soon came to a conclusion, it was dead in the night as Chitra and Arjuna were walking back to their hut. Small swirls of the night's wind was circling around them and low distant howls of wolves from the forest could be heard. Chitra was bemused as a strange feeling of uneasiness was gripping her heart about Sridhar, a strong instinct in her was telling her that she should be with Sridhar now. 

Arjuna put his hand over her shoulder and pulled her close to him and Chitra leaned into his warmth, she desperately wanted to go back to the palace, if possible right now but then, she will have to express her motherly feelings towards Sridhar to Arjuna which she  was not sure about receiving a positive response. 

"What is wrong?" He asked curiously, ducking his head down to meet her eyes. 

"Arjuna," Chitra called for him and halted in her spot. No, she can't stay back here safe and warm in her husband's arms while there was a potential threat for her innocent Sridhar.  

"Can we go back to the palace?" 

Arjuna was surprised to hear this sentence from her, Chitra looked absolutely drained and fatigued  starting from their heavy conversations to those cruel sword fights. He expected her to complain about resting but why does she want to go back to the palace? 

"We will Chitra, but tomorrow morning." He said taking her hand in his. 

"No Arjuna, can we leave right now?" 


Chitra could see the puzzled look on his face hearing her untimely wish. For some unknown reason her heart was almost crying as after a long thought she has accepted the fact herself that she can never adopt Sridhar, so she took a deep breath calming herself as she spoke, "I will explain everything later, please Arjuna." 

"Sure." Arjuna pulled her into an embrace as he heard the shiver in her voice, running a hand through her hair he pressed her tight against him placing a small kiss on her hair.

When Arjuna informed Vikram about their sudden change in the travel plans he didn't even question but instead he looked all ready to jump on his horse. Arjuna suppressed a smile as he saw Vikram packing their stuff enthusiastically, it looks like someone is desperate to have a look at his ugly sister. 

Their return journey began and it was difficult to track the route back because of the pitch dark night, while leaving they had the support of a full moon who showered them with his light but now it was only Rajan's familiarity with these routes which was helping them with going on the right track. 

Chitra leaned back on him huffing lowly as if she had to deal with all the worries in the world, "Ask me, Arjuna. About why I am rushing us all at this late in the night." 

She asked tilting her head to have a look at his face, even the dark night couldn't hide his beautiful features, who said there was no moon tonight? For Chitra, Arjuna is her moon on a dark night, her sun on the gloomiest of days, her everything and without him she is nothing.

Bending forward he crossed his arm above her chest to keep her in place as his horse; Chetak was picking up  speed, almost slicing the invisible wind in front of them.

"For Sridhar?" 

He guessed and Chitra looked surprised, how did he make it out? Can her husband read minds? 

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