Lips Like Sugar -- Munakata X Reader

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WARNING: OOCness from Munakata ;-; I apologize in advance but I suck at acting as serious people

"Is it really that hard to pick a place?"
You and your boyfriend Reisi Munakata had been wandering around for the past hour. What were you doing? Trying to find a cafe or bakery open on Christmas to satisfy his craving for sweets. The thing was, you had only found one of each and he just couldn't decided on which place to go to.
"This is a very important decision (Y/N)."
"Well while you're gears are turning in that head of yours, I'm standing here freezing my ass off!"
And you meant it literally. There was a strong wind today and your winter coat wasn't long enough to cover your butt.
Reisi, who saw how you were starting to grow annoyed and saw how your cheeks were a dark red from an approaching frostbite, finally made a decision.
"Let's sit ourselves down at the cafe so we can warm up. What do you say?"
"Finally!" you took Reisi's hand in your gloved one and pulled him back down the street towards the inviting cafe.
Upon entering the warm and sweet smelling place, you sighed with relief. You took off your gloves and stuffed them in your pockets, your fingers quickly changing from freezing cold to burning hot from the sudden change of temperature.
"Sit down. I'll order."
There was only one other couple in the cafe who probably came here to enjoy their Christmas morning. Unlike you who was dragged out because of your boyfriend's cravings.
You settled yourself down in a booth where you could have a clear view of the outside world. Smiling, you watched as a couple families walked by with their children carrying the toys that they had woken up to that morning.
"I got you (Favorite Flavor) hot chocolate and fresh chocolate chip cookies."
When you tore your gaze away from the window, you smiled. The snow that had gathered in Reisi's hair had melted, making his hair stick to his forehead.
"I'm sorry for dragging you out."
"It's fine~ Honestly, I should have expected it....Wait a minute. Why did we come out here if I bought that tray of Christmas cookies?"
Reisi stared down at his cup of tea and traced the rim with a finger.
"You didn't eat them all did you?!"
"I didn't eat all of them. If you think clearly, you'll remember that you and I shared them."
"But you ate the majority of them."
"I admit it....And I suggest eating the cookies before they're not warm anymore. Unless you want me to eat them too."
You raised an eyebrow at Reisi who was looking at you through his glasses with a smirk.
"You're going to eat my cookies if I don't? Wow. What a threat." you laughed and ripped the large cookie in half, smile widening at the sight of the melted chocolate chips.
"It wasn't meant to be a threat. Just a warning."
The two of you ate your sweets and watched as more families walked in and out of the warm cafe. When you pulled out your phone, you saw that you had been there for about two hours already.
"Don't you think we should be heading back? You didn't even get to open the present from me yet." you pouted, trying to guilt him.
Reisi smiled and finished his fifth cup of tea.
"Do I have to? I have the sweetest thing in front of me."
"Oh thanks. What am I chop liver?" you snap, motioning towards yourself.
"I meant you." Reisi moved the plate of half eaten sweets out of the way and leaned across the table to plant a gentle kiss on your lips.
It wasn't a long kiss but long enough to mean something. Especially since Reisi didn't like to show public affection very often besides hand holding. And even then, he was slightly hesitant.
The faint flavor of the tea and cake that he had eaten earlier was left in your mouth and you smiled. Reisi grabbed your hand and held it gently on top of the table.
"Not only are you sweet like candy but your lips taste like sugar~"
You blushed softly. "That's only because of all the sweets that we just had!"
Laughing at your stubbornness, Reisi gave your hand a gentle squeeze and helped you to your feet, setting the money for your treats on the table.
"Now let's go home and enjoy the rest of the holiday at home."
You nodded and as the two of you were heading out, you pointed to the bakery down the street. "But first, let's get another tray of those Christmas cookies~"

A/N: I'm sorry if Munakata is a little OOC! It's hard to act like a serious guy ;-;

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