Warmth -- Mikoto X Reader

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WARNING: Not exactly a kiss ending or a confession ending. But it's still cute! Sorry for the disappointment! ;-;

"Just a little bit further! Just a little bit further and then I'll be out of this damn cold!"
That's what you kept telling yourself and that is what kept you going on your journey across town to Mikoto's apartment where you were invited to spend Christmas Eve with him (though there was a long hesitation before he finally asked you). Though as you continued fighting against the freezing wind that took your breath away ever time it blew, you felt as if you would never make it there.
Finally, after what felt like for fucking ever, you did make it. Though you didn't feel accomplished. Actually, you couldn't feel anything because your body had went completely numb a while ago. You were unable to move your fingers because they were so stiff and they hurt so bad.
You couldn't even raise a hand to knock on Mikoto's apartment door. Instead, you elbowed the door hard and hoped it was loud enough for him to hear.
When Mikoto opened the front door for you, he took in your appearance and he quickly pulled you inside his apartment and over to the sink where he turned on hot water.
"M-Mikoto? W-what are you d-doing?" you stuttered not because you were nervous but because your teeth were chattering so bad.
"You have frostbite. We need to get the feeling back into your hands."
The water was turned on as hot as it could go and when you stuck your hands under it, you couldn't feel a thing. And it was like that for at least three minutes. After those few minutes, your fingers finally started to thaw and the hot water started burning your skin.
"Ow!" you pulled your hands back and blew on them.
Mikoto turned off the water and then helped you shed off your winter layers.
"Go over to the couch and under the blanket....You're not going back out until after Christmas. Until I can be there to accompany you home."
You did as you were told because you didn't have the energy to argue. Plus, it was his house and you followed the rules of whoever's house you were in.
You sluggishly walked over to the dark brown couch and pulled the crimson red fleece blanket over you, wrapping yourself in it and sitting on it to trap the heat inside the blanket with you.
When Mikoto came back into the living room, he sat himself down beside you and wrapped an arm around your slightly shaking figure. You knew that it was for body heat but you couldn't help but feel almost embarrassed yet giddy over your current position.
A warm feeling settled around your neck and down to your arm which Mikoto was holding loosely. He was using his vicemen to keep you warm and that made you smile. For once, he was actually using his power for good like Totsuka told him, instead of for destruction.
Feeling relaxed and now comfortable within Mikoto's "embrace," you couldn't help but lay your head on his shoulder.
"Thank you Mikoto....This feels nice."
He let out a small sound of acknowledgment and you closed your eyes, taking in the quiet sound of Mikoto's breathing and the soothing feeling of warmth spreading through your body and letting it relax you.
As you fell into a peaceful sleep on his shoulder, Mikoto stared at the colorful multi-colored lights on the small Christmas tree that you had set up in Mikoto's house when he wasn't around (though he didn't like the seasonal symbol, he didn't take it down because you begged him not to).
With you by his side and with the warming atmoshphere in his apartment, Mikoto felt a strange warmth that was not his own coursing through him. It made him feel a little....happy. Something that he had never felt in a long long time.
'The holidays do bring out the best in everyone. People do change....'
Carefully, Mikoto laid his head on top of yours and closed his eyes. He didn't fall asleep and for once, he didn't want to. He just wanted to enjoy the comfort that your presence brought him.

A/N: ( ; _ ; )/~~~ yes I admit that this is probably the worst One-Shot I will ever write....I CANNOT ACT AS SERIOUS PEOPLE! YES I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BLAME ME! Just pretend that you never read this. *deletes this horrible work from your mind* BOOP ( T_T)\(^-^ )

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