Overthinking -- Misaki X Reader

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WARNING: Slight Language. (Then Again, It's Misaki So It's Okay xD but then again, most of them have at least one word so....whatever xD)

((Sorry For This But It's Weird To Write This One In 2nd Person So Here It Is In 3rd))

3rd Person P.O.V

"Why is finding a gift for (Your Name) so fucking hard?!"
Misaki had been searching around for days, trying to find the perfect Christmas gift for his best friend and secret crush, (Your Name). He wanted to give her something special. Something that would make her happy as well as convey his feelings for her. Though as you can see, he wasn't having any luck in his search.
"This is why I need to learn to keep a conversation with a girl without stuttering every five seconds!" Misaki continued running down the street, looking at the windows of the stores which were still open at eight ó clock on Christmas Eve.
Something in one of the windows caught his eye and he slowed down to a stop. In the window was a picture frame in which whatever was inside was protected by glass. On the inside, written on white paper and in gold letters was a message. It wasn't anything special but it was meaningful and perfectly fitting for Misaki and (Your Name).
That was why not even five minutes later, Misaki came out carrying a bag from the store with the meaningful gift inside.

-- Christmas Morning --

"Good morning Misaki~!" (Your Name) chimed happily as Misaki came down the stairs carrying something behind his back. "Merry Christmas~!"
"M-Merry Christmas to you t-too (Your Name)." he sat on the couch beside her and set the bag on the floor.
"What's that~?" she asked curiously, trying to look over Misaki and into the bag.
"I-it's something that should be opened later...."
"Aw!" (Your Name) pouted and crossed her arms. "But if I can't see it now, then can I give you your presents~?"
"Y-you didn't have to get m-me anything...."
"But I wanted to!" (Your Name) crawled off the couch and over to the tree, bringing a red and white striped package back over to Misaki. "Open it~!"
(Your Name) watched intently as Misaki ripped off the wrapping paper and slowly took the lid off of the box. And she couldn't help but smile when she saw how Misaki's eyes widened though it was only slightly.
Inside the box was a cherry wood picture frame with jagged edges, giving it a rough feeling. Inside was a picture that was taken with (Your Name's) camera of Misaki doing a trick on his skateboard while he smiled proudly at the camera. Written on the bottom in her handwriting was, "To My Skater Boy."
Simple yet special to Misaki because it was a picture of a memory that he shared with (Your Name). Because of her creativeness, Misaki couldn't help but feel a little outdone.
"Do you like it?"
"I-I do. A lot. T-thank you (Your Name)."
"Is it my turn now~?"
Misaki grabbed the bag from beside him and handed it to her, slightly feeling embarrassed. There was nothing special about the gift he had gotten and now he felt ashamed that he had given it to her. But it wasn't like he could take it back now.
When (Your Name) pulled out the picture frame, she couldn't help but smile widely and read the words written behind the glass out loud.
"To the one who has filled my heart with peace, warmth, and love. Merry Christmas."
And with a burst of confidence, Misaki cleared his throat and spoke the last line by himself.
"I love you."
(Your Name) looked up from the picture frame and stared at Misaki with wide eyes. Because of her silence, Misaki turned his head away and felt his cheeks flush a soft pink in pure embarrassment. He felt as if he had made a fool out of himself.
"I'm sorry. That was uncalled for."
"You meant it!"
Now it was Misaki's turn to give (Your Name) a look of pure confusion.
"You said it without stuttering! You meant it!"
Misaki thought back to a few seconds ago and he realized that she was right. He had confessed his love to (Your Name) without stuttering. And he continued to talk to her after he admitted it. He hadn't stuttered.
Setting down the glass frame carefully on the ground beside her, (Your Name) stared up at Misaki with watery eyes.
"(Your Na--?!)"
She tackled him down onto the couch in a hug, nuzzling her face into his chest and embracing the moment. She could hear Misaki's heart beat increase and she couldn't help but let out a laugh.
"Just to be perfectly clear, I love you too Misaki~!"
And on the same couch where they had previously gotten to know each other, listened to each other, and become friends with each other, (Your Name) and Misaki shared their first kiss.
'Lesson learned. Don't over think when it comes to gift giving. A gift that comes from the heart means more than anything.'

A/N: SORRY THAT SOME OF THESE ARE SO SHORT! ;-; but I don't wanna make them too long if they don't need to be....

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