Nothing More -- Shiro X Reader

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WARNING: Watch Out For Shiro's Childishness & Cuteness!! (⌒▽⌒)

"How much longer do I have to wear this stupid blindfold? I'm scared that you're going to lead me into a pole or something!"
From behind you, Shiro let out a laugh and gave your hand a loving squeeze.
"I would never do that to you (Your Name)~ Just wait a little while longer~ We're almost there~!"
Your boyfriend Yashiro, or Shiro, Isana had been leading you to God knows where. All you knew was that it had to have been across town because you had gotten in a cab and had a twenty minute ride before continuing on foot.
"That's what you said ten minutes ago!" you whined, putting on a pouty face.
"I'm being completely serious (Your Name)! We're only a few more steps away!"
Shiro put his hands gently on your shoulders and pressed down on them. You took that as a signal and you carefully lowered yourself on the cold bench as Shiro stood behind the bench to untie the blindfold and take it off of you.
When the blindfold slid across and off of your face, the blinding lights that met your eyes caused you to close your eyes instinctively. You slowly opened them bit by bit while at the same time, blinking to help your eyes adjust to their new light,
When your vision finally cleared and you saw the sight in front of you, you gasped and then smiled widely.
In front of the two of you was an ice skating rink which not many people were skating on. Instead of the ice skating rink in the middle of the city, Shiro had taken you to the one in the park. Lining the rink were about ten trees covered in countless strands of colorful and white lights, each with it's own snowflake topper. In short, the sight caused you to become dazed.
"Shiro! This is absolutely beautiful!" you clung onto his arm once he had taken his seat beside you on the bench.
From beside you, Shiro let out a sigh of relief and laughed.
"I'm glad~ Because I wasn't sure whether or not this was a good idea."
"Why not?"
From a bag next to him, Shiro pulled out two pairs of ice skates. Both a while color to match your white puffer coat with fur trim and his forest green puffer coat with fur trim. You whimpered and pouted.
"I should have known that there would have been more to this idea of yours. Shiro, you know I suck at skating!"
"And that's why I'm here to help you~" he put his skates on and crouched down to help you with yours.
"I'm going to end up getting hurt! I know it!"
Shiro held out his mitten covered hand and you took it, trying your best to stand up on the single blades on the bottom of your skates.
"You're not going to get hurt. I promise~" Shiro held your hand tightly and carefully guided you towards the rink.
About a half hour passed and just like he promised, Shiro had saved you from getting hurt....MULTIPLE times. You had finally started to get the hang of skating and honestly weren't scared of falling anymore because the two of you stayed close to the edge to avoid the crowd. Though when this little kid came close to you at a terrifying speed, you freaked out.
With a forceful shove, you pushed Shiro out of the way and because of his tight grip on your hand, you were pulled down with him onto a fresh pile of snow.
"Are you alright?!" you looked down at Shiro who only laid there laughing below you. "What the heck are you laughing at?!"
"I'm sorry but I can't help it~ Your scarf is tickling my neck~"
When you looked down and saw that the furry end of your mahogany scarf was indeed tickling your neck, you scoffed but smiled.
"Whatever. Can we just sit down and enjoy the sight now? I don't want to feel as if we're going to get trampled again."
After slipping back on your winter boots, you and Shiro sat back down on the bench. Almost shyly, he reached around you and pulled you closer as you laid your head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for taking me here Shiro~ This Christmas Eve really is a special one~" you leaned up and kissed his cheek sweetly, your sugar cookie lip gloss making his pale cheek shine in the light.
"It doesn't matter what we're doing. We could be at a holiday party or we could be curled up on the couch under a blanket with mugs of hot chocolate. Nothing makes the holiday or any other day more special then spending it with you."
Shiro leaned down and stared into your (Eye Color) eyes before he finally captured your lips in a romantic kiss. When he pulled away, he stared into your eyes, nuzzled his nose against yours and have you one of his signature innocent smiles.
"Merry Christmas (Cute Nickname)~"
"Merry Christmas Shiro~"

A/N: Though this was another short one-shot, THIS ONE WAS SUCH A CUTIE~! <3 I LOVE IT!!!!☆o(≧▽≦)o☆

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