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contains: entrance exam— this will serve as an 'entrance exam' of sorts to be chosen as one of the thirteen contestants! we will be providing you a week's worth of time to pass your entries

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contains: entrance exam
— this will serve as an 'entrance exam' of sorts to be chosen as one of the thirteen contestants! we will be providing you a week's worth of time to pass your entries. all you have to do is follow the prompt for now. the cycles will begin when all thirteen contestants have been picked out. when submitting your entry, pass them through pm via a link to jaehansss_!

title: end of polaris
subtitle: a world we never knew of
genre: sci-fi / dystopian
other texts: your watermark + "bottomfeeders contest"
dimensions: since this is still the entry round, it doesn't really matter what size you do! you can do a cover, an album cover, a poster, whatever you'd like. this is mainly just to assess your skills (:
requirements: try to follow the concept of the title, subtitle, and genre we've provided! otherwise, you're free to go wild. you can do a model-based or object-based graphic, which can be a manipulation, blend, or a collage aesthetic. it can be anything you wish. have fun!

DEADLINE: APRIL 21, 2020 / 11:59PM / GMT+8

bottomfeeders | graphic contestWhere stories live. Discover now