Chapter I

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"Garrett! Oh my gosh, it's so good to finally meet you!" I smile, enveloping my tall friend into a hug. I'm not short per se, but his 6 foot 4 self, made me feel tiny.

"You too!" The dirty blonde exclaims. "Holy smokes I can't believe you only lived 10 minutes away from me this entire time!"

It's been about three months since I moved out to America, more specifically Los Angeles, and about one month ago since Garrett Watts started following me on Instagram. Being a fan of his, I instantly followed him back, not long after receiving a direct message from him telling me he was a huge fan of my Youtube videos, with me replying the same. We've constantly been messaging since, boy advice (for him!) film recommendations, gaming, you name it, we probably talked about it. Today however was my time meeting him, and I was beyond ecstatic.

We met at an artsy coffee shop (Garrett's suggestion) just down the road from me and knew we'd spend the day there laughing our heads off. We talked about everything, from what it was like moving from New Zealand to California, where we'd like to go in life, travelling and many other things. As the cafe workers started to put the chairs up we knew it was time to leave.

"I had a really great time today," Garrett smiles, giving me a hug goodbye.

"Me too Garrett, I can't wait to see you next!"

"I'm gonna have a movie night at my place Saturday, I'd love it if you could make it! You know, if you're not working or filming or anything"

"That sounds awesome! I'll be there," I smile.

"Great! I can't wait for you to meet some of my friends!"

"I'm looking forward to it, Gare," I reply. We give each other another hug before I start to make my way back to my apartment.

The rest of the week was filled with working, filming, editing, sleeping and of course, eating. And then Saturday rolled around. I usually had weekends off, unless there was something specific my boss wanted me to attend. A perk of being a research astronomer at SpaceX. I was really looking forward to Garrett's movie night tonight. As I shuffled out of bed and into my kitchen I decided to text him.

'Hey Gare,' I typed. 'Looking forward to tonight! Need me to grab any snacks or anything on my way?' I click off my phone, yawning before walking to the sofa and clicking onto the new Unus Annus video on my TV. My phone vibrates and I check it to see a text from Garrett.

'Nope! Don't bring anything but your pretty self!' it read, causing me to laugh a little.

'Gotcha ;)' I replied.

The rest of the day was just filled with mundane chores and uploading a new video. It was a video of me playing UNO online with Mark and Ethan, or Markiplier and CrankGamePlays, who are two of my closest YouTuber friends and I knew my subscribers would love it. It was my first collab with them, but we all laughed so hard I knew it wasn't the last. They'd actually got me to help them out with some Unus Annus content too and I was able to meet James Charles through it which was awesome. That and Amy, Mark's girlfriend, quickly became a great friend of mine.

Garrett told me to come around at seven, so at six I decided to get ready. I'm guessing casual is the dress code so I decided to get changed into a plain white tee, Adidas leggings and a Levi's denim jacket over top. Some light makeup wouldn't go amiss either, so I put some on, happy with the results.

"Not bad!" I smiled at myself, doing a small twirl in front of the mirror. The time was now 6:45 and I decided to get going. I grabbed my phone, threw on a pair of Vans and headed out, locking my apartment door behind me before going down the stairs to my apartment and climbing into my car.

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