Chapter XVII

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Another week has passed. Andrew and I hung out throughout the week but didn't talk about the kiss at all. I think both of us were still trying to process what happened between us. Zoe replied to my text the night of the kiss saying how cute his reaction was so I sat back and watched the video the next morning. His reaction was cute, as I had turned back to the stove he had a massive grin on his face and he did a little air fist before grabbing me to kiss me again. My heart melted when I watched how he reacted. The day was now Saturday, the day before my birthday and Zoe had planned a party at my apartment to celebrate, despite my refusal. It was the morning, and I was awoken by her barrelling through my door, instantly making me regret giving her a key.

"Abby!" She calls, coming into my room. "You have to disappear for the day!" I groan loudly.

"Do I have to?" I sigh as she opens my curtains.

"Yes! I don't want you being here, I want it to be a surprise," she says, hands on her hips.

"Okay..." I groan, climbing out of bed. "Give me a second to get dressed,"

"You can go to my apartment to do your makeup later," Zoe says and I nod as I dig through my clothes, picking out an outfit before heading into the bathroom to get dressed. I change into the black high waisted jeans, slide on the black lace crop top and slip the black and white plaid shirt over top. This is party material I guess. I blush my hair out, moisturize my face and brush my teeth before leaving the bathroom and immediately being ushered out of my apartment by Zoe. Seeing as I was banished from my apartment I decided to go out shopping for the day. I clambered into my Jeep and made my way to the mall. The hours seemed to fly by when shopping and before I knew it I received a text from Zoe.

'You can come back now!' it read and I sent a quick reply to her. I finished up in the shop I was in before carrying the armful of bags back to my car (I may have bought more than intended). The time was 4.30 and I swung by Zoe's to do some makeup. I did a light brown look with a nude lipstick before going back to mine. I walked up the stairs, my bags in hand and opened the door to my apartment and laughed at the sight of the place. There were balloons and banners everywhere and Garrett, Zoe and Andrew were standing in the middle of the lounge with party hats on.

"You guys look ridiculous," I giggle as I close the apartment door behind me and place the bags to the side.

"Oh we know," Garrett replies and he comes over to give me a hug. I hug the other two as well before going over to the table covered in drinks and alcohol and make myself a drink. The four of us chat for a while before the other guests start to arrive. Shane Ryland and Morgan were first and I gave them each a hug, and then Mark and Amy, Ethan and Mika and so on. By about 8 pm my apartment was full of the people I've met in LA. Post was the star of the show honestly and Amy and I spent the majority of the night chatting in the kitchen. I'd introduced her to Andrew and she was asking about what we were and I told her everything.

"That's so cute," she sighs. "I really hope he makes you the happiest you'll ever be Abby,"

"Thank you Amy, you're too sweet," I say, hugging her. "I hope he does too," I look over at Andrew, who was chatting to Post and Garrett, the three of them laughing. I'm glad to see the two boys and Post get along. Andrew was wearing a nice pair of well-fitted black jeans and a cute sweater. He had just gotten a haircut recently and he looked adorable.

"I know that look" Amy laughs and I turn my gaze back towards her. "You're in looove," she teases and I laugh. We chatted together for a while before she insisted on taking photos of everybody after her and I got a photo together. Post and I took some goofy photos and then Garrett and I, before Andrew and I took a few together. At about 10 pm I was in the kitchen when I heard someone come up beside me.

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