Chapter XV

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The next few days I finished unpacking my bag, completed some household chores and we're filled with work and catching up on things that I missed whilst I was away. I caught up with both Post and Amy and told them about the trip and all the fun details surrounding it. Post asked about how Andrew and I were and I explained all the little things that happened between us on the trip and he was convinced that Andrew did like me. I denied of course because I believed that he didn't. Maybe I'm just naive? I have no idea. Anyways, the day is now Friday and I'd just gotten home from work with a pizza or two (I hadn't eaten all day) along with garlic bread and fries. I curled into the couch ready to spend the night pigging out and catching up on YouTube. As I'd put on a video, my phone vibrated from beside me. I flipped it over and looked at the notification on the screen and it was a text from Andrew.

'Hey Abby! Just wondering if I could come over?' it read and I smiled. I guess I was a little lonely.

'Of course! Let yourself in when you get here, I don't plan on moving from this couch tonight!' I reply and place my phone to the side again. About five minutes later Andrew opens my apartment door and smiles as he closes it behind him.

"Hey Bear!" I smile, pausing the video.

"Hey Abby," he replies, sitting beside me and placing his feet on the ottoman.

"Help yourself," I say gesturing towards the pizza and he laughs.

"Did you get two pizzas and two sides for yourself?"

"Of course!" I giggle. "It's a Friday, although I'd do this any day of the week" Andrew smiles and shakes his head and grabs a slice and the two of us pick a YouTube video and settle back to watch it enjoying the company of each other. About an hour later Andrew piped up.

"Can I ask you something?" he asks, and my heart rate immediately spikes.

"Of course," I reply.

"How do you get a girl to like you back?" he says, looking down at his hands and fiddling with his thumbs.

"Awh Bear," I sigh, feeling a little upset for him. "Do you not think she likes you back?"

"I don't know," he replies, looking back at me. "I'd like to think she does but I can't really tell,"

"Well, how does she act around you?"

"We're really close and very great friends but I can't tell if she's slightly flirting or if she's like that with everyone," He says, leaning back into the couch.

"It might be flirting you never know," I say, trying to reassure him and I turn towards him.

"I just don't know what to do," he sighs.

"You can be quite shy sometimes, maybe try flirting a little more obviously. Direct compliments and all that. And then if you feel confident enough start doing some more romantic things like maybe ask her out to dinner, or even a date if you're feeling brave enough," I say. It felt weird for me to be giving Andrew advice about trying to get the girl he likes, especially when I was the one wishing to be with him. But I wanted him to be happy, and if that's what is going to make him happy then I'll make sure he does get her.

"I guess that would work," He nods and I smile.

"See I'm more than just a pretty face," I laugh and he gently pushes me, teasingly.

"You definitely are," he grins. "By the way do you know of any apartments to rent? My landlord is selling the building so we're all getting evicted,"

"Oh, that sucks," I say. " But yeah, the apartment under mine is available, the person living in there moved out last week. Although, you'd have to deal with seeing me more often" The two of us laugh.

My Bear - Andrew SiwickiWhere stories live. Discover now