Chapter XXII

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The next morning I woke up and headed to work as usual. During the day I was texting Zoe and telling her about the hike that Andrew had asked me on. She was saying that it would be a good time to make things official, with it I guess sort of being our third 'date'. We already acted like a couple anyway, and as far as I knew Andrew wasn't seeing anybody else (I doubt he would be though) so maybe it was a good idea to. Friday night was spent editing as it usually is and by 10 pm I had the video ready to go for uploading tomorrow. After enjoying a hot chocolate and scrolling through my phone for ten or so minutes I head to bed, climbing under the covers and drifting off to sleep.

Saturday morning I was awoken by my alarm clock. I stretched, turned it off and then clambered out of bed and into the kitchen, making myself a coffee and enjoying it in silence as I scrolled through Twitter. Just after seven, I decided to get ready for the hike, so I went back into my bedroom and got changed into a sports bra with a singlet over the top and some grey yoga pants that hug the curves of my legs beautifully. I brushed and tied my hair up and then brushed my teeth. I managed to find my hiking boots last night in a box in the closet so I brought them out. I also grabbed a water bottle and filled it up before taking a seat back at the kitchen counter, scrolling through my phone, waiting for 8 am. The time soon rolled around and I headed out of my apartment door, locking it behind me and walking down the stairs. Andrew was waiting by the bottom of the stairs, with his hands in the pockets of his black shorts, which was accompanied by a plain black short sleeve.

"Morning Bear," I say to him as I reach the bottom. He slings an arm around my shoulders, bringing me into a side hug.

"Morning," he replies and he retracts his arm. We head over to Andrew's car and then climb in. He puts on some music and then directions before driving out onto the street. The drive there was mostly silent but every now and then a song would come on that we both knew so we'd jam out together. Just after nine, Andrew pulled into the parking area of the hiking trail and the two of us got out of the car and then started along the trail. It wasn't a well-kept trail, and there were some unstable bits here and there. Andrew reassured me that he'd walked this trail like a hundred times (I think that's a bit of an exaggeration) and would always grab my hand to keep me steady in these parts. The further we walked, the more forestry appeared around us until it completely surrounded us and the sun that was scorching before, was now hidden by the vegetation. About an hour into the hike, the two of us stop and sit on a log on the side of a trail.

"It's such a beautiful trail," I say, as Andrew takes a sip from his water bottle.

"It's one of my favourites," he replies as I take a look around the area.

"I can see why," I turn over and look at him and catch him looking at me with the usual loving look. My heart flutters and I decide that this is as good of a time to ask him that question. Just as I was about to open my mouth to ask, Andrew speaks for me.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course," I say, and I turn to him to give him my full attention. My heart was racing like a mad man.

"So, um- We've uh- sorta been dating for a while now," he starts, his face red as anything. "Would you maybe want to - make it official? Would you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"I was just about to ask if you wanted to make things official," I giggle, and his face lights up.

"So is that a yes?" he asks.

"Of course it is Bear," I grin and I lean in to give him a kiss. Our lips meet and he smiles into the kiss. As we pulled away, his smile was still present and it seemed like he couldn't get it off of his face. To be fair, I couldn't get mine off of my face too.

My Bear - Andrew SiwickiWhere stories live. Discover now