The Prom: IV

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          Seven years prior, an eleven-year-old Taehyung sat on the end of Jeongguk's bed as he watched Namjoon and his hyung getting ready for their senior prom at some fancy location Taehyung had no information about. Although, he would be the first to admit that he was only watching Namjoon. But it's not like he hadn't seen him with his shirt off before. Taehyung had watched the two older boys work out in the garage many times while he was growing up. Personally, he'd never had any interest in muscle-building himself, but he'd much rather stay than slowly be pushed out of the group in his absence. 

          But there was just something special about Namjoon's bare skin, and the muscles he had that might have been a contributing factor in Taehyung not gaining any friends of his own. If he hadn't been so interested in the boy from down the street, Taehyung could've been away from his brother, playing with children his own age. But he didn't see a need in doing that.

          Namjoon was standing in front of Taehyung, buttoning his black dress shirt up in Jeongguk's full-length mirror with his back to the younger boy. 

          From behind, Taehyung's eyes cautiously wandered upward, starting from the small of the older's back until he was looking into his eyes, via the mirror. A very small smile grew on Namjoon's lips and he took it as far as to wink before dropping his gaze to the floor below him. He wasn't quite sure what he was doing, winking at an eleven-year-old. Namjoon was certain that would qualify as misconduct. And it might also be enough to get him locked up if he told anyone that every time he looked at Taehyung, he saw his future.

          He'd imagined on countless occasions throughout the past four months what it would be like if Taehyung were the same age as him, and they were getting ready for prom together. Then, Namjoon would be able to dance with someone he actually wanted to. There would be more meaning behind what was supposed to be one of the biggest nights of your school career.

          It isn't that thoughts of the younger plagued Namjoon's mind relentlessly. In fact, there had been plenty of days he had gone without thinking too deeply about his future or his best friend's little brother's, especially in a romantic light. The two just got along so well sometimes; If Namjoon wanted to converse about books he had read, Taehyung could enter the discussion more easily than Jeongguk. By the time Taehyung turned nine, Namjoon had already spent many an hour with his junior, listening to him rant about anything from schoolwork to theories of black holes and the tragedies of Greek heroes.

          It was because of this fact that Namjoon was no stranger to questioning how the world could be so cruel as to separate him by years from whom might be his true best friend. He cared so deeply for Jeongguk...made so many amazing memories with him and shared such happy laughs with the doe-eyed boy that no one could ever take away. 

          But thanks to the will of the universe and time put together, Taehyung had just started middle school, and kids weren't allowed at prom with wild, rowdy teenagers. Not that Namjoon would ever allow Taehyung to go anyway. He couldn't live with himself if the boy got hurt because of his own selfish desires.

          Namjoon had just finished putting on his jacket when he heard Taehyung's mother calling for them. "Boys, let's go! We still have to take pictures, so get outside!" The thought of getting scolded by either one of their mothers was enough to make all three males hurry outside and into the driveway within ten seconds. 

          Without warning, every family member, all the way from Jeongguk and Taehyung's father to Namjoon's fourteen-year-old sister started moving at once to get the two eldest sons in position for pictures, sweeping Taehyung up to stand with them behind the cameras in the process.

          Of course, Jeongguk and Namjoon stood obediently, striking several quirky poses for their parents to take lasting photos, much like the still frames Namjoon never forgot to keep in his mind. Until Taehyung had decided enough was enough and ran into frame with the only two boys he'd ever been able to call his friends.

          Jeongguk smiled happily and Namjoon laughed, reaching to pick Taehyung up and set him on his hip so that none of him would be cut out of any picture. Taehyung held tightly onto Namjoon's shoulder and began smiling. 

          "You didn't think we wanted to leave you out, did you?" Namjoon whispered into Taehyung's ear. The smaller could only laugh in response and Namjoon felt his heart clench at the sound.

          "How come Taehyung can get in the photos and I can't?" Namjoon's sister, Choon-hee whined.

          Everyone laughed. "Go ahead, then." Namjoon's father said.

          So Choon-hee joined the boys in front of the garage and posed for a few more pictures until Namjoon's mother opened the back door of the limo both families had pitched in to rent for the night and declared it was time for the boys to get a move on.

          Taehyung's happy face fell into one of despair as he sat in Namjoon's arms. "I don't want you to go," he said quietly.

          Namjoon met Taehyung's eyes and at that moment, he knew that he wanted nothing more than to stay with the boy. Maybe end up having a movie marathon or play old board games no one liked anymore. Or talk about all the books Taehyung had come to love at school.

          But he was Jeongguk's best friend, and he also knew that he had to go to prom. If not for anything else, then to ensure that Jeongguk had a good time, and Namjoon knew that Jeongguk wouldn't if he completely ditched him for his little brother.

          "Hey, you know I could never stay away from you for too long, right?" Namjoon whispered back. "I promise you'll be the first one I hug when we get back." He set Taehyung back down onto his own two feet and headed for the car. He slid into the backseat after Jeongguk and reached out to close the door when Taehyung grabbed his hand and Namjoon couldn't help but look up at his face.

          "Please..." Taehyung said quietly as a single tear made its way down his cheek. But before Namjoon could respond, Taehyung's dad pulled the boy back and shut the door for Namjoon. The limo began to move forward and Namjoon could only watch as Taehyung's heartbroken face disappeared in the distance.

          "Don't worry," Jeongguk said from his spot on the other side of the car. "Taehyung will grow up soon enough and then you'll be able to marry him for real. With my blessing, no less."

          "Really?" Namjoon looked at his best friend with a quirked eyebrow. "You're over the whole 'that's my baby brother' phase?"

          "No, of course not. He'll always be my baby brother. But someone once pointed out to me that you two have something so special and I won't get in the way of that. You guys really do seem happy together...But I swear if you lay one ill-intended finger on him before he comes of'll be fearing my wrath and not that of the city law enforcement." 

          "You know I'd never do that. I have no interest in romance of any kind for the time being, anyway."

          Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "Just don't make him feel too good, either. Now or  later."

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